The Tyrant's Revenge

Start from the beginning

            Though he was weakened from blood loss and bedridden with a tourniquet wrapped tightly about his loins, he called on this ad hoc assembly consisting of Krido, Murka, and two other military generals of his realm. Their input at his bedside on the actions of Zaria, resulting in Aella's daring escape, would determine the princess' ultimate life or death sentence.

        The men came somberly into Sarvur's freshly cleaned and incense-purified room. His complexion was pale as he reclined on the bed, speaking mostly in whispers. Next to him on the floor where he insisted it be left, was the large bowl of ice. And somewhere incased within it, fortunately out of sight, was his severed instrument of pleasure, already in a slow state of deterioration, yet for the proud king, still not easily parted with.

        Krido, standing thin and gaunt in his all red silk apparel was the first to speak. "You must act quickly and decisively regarding this girl's punishment." he said staring at the bowl of ice. "It must be seen by your people as a just. . . but an immediate response to her wickedness. I suggest no torture. But a humane method to rid her you. Perhaps she must be forced to drink poison."

        "I indeed want her dead, " Sharvur said, stuggling to move without pain. "But also to suffer terribly for sparing me the satisfaction of watching that Amazon die a slow death."

        Two of the men nodded.

        "For Aella. . .  I want her captured and brought back to me so that I may witness her impalement upon a long, boar-hunting spear. Her death must last days and nights."

        Murka, standing robustly in his leather armor and dyed wool leggings weighed in on the proceedings. "Krido, I am surprised at your sentencing of Zaria to death . . . when it was you who selected her to be the vestal virgin and protectoress of our kingdom."

        "I did select the girl . . .but more as a test of temptation to the king," the elder said defensively. But I also chose her to . . force our king to temper his lust and make a more prudent leader of him. Though Sharvur has never been a man to waiver in the face of protecting his people."

        "Then . . . is she or is she not . . . a divine prize for us all," Murka fairly asked the sage.

        Sharvur interjected, his voice extremely weak. "I have seen her powers with my own eyes. And you should know of it too. . .  in your valiant dealings with fate, Murka. She is indeed some divinity for our protection, yet I can not let her escape some suffereing for my loss of Aella. She must endure a similar pain to mine, for me to be just."

        A young general by the name of Arpada stood next to Murka. He could pass for the hero's own son, with Murka's fiery eyes, a clean shaven face, and lighter hair than the rest. The young man wore no protective armor and looked as if he had been called from his home unprepared for the meeting. The warrior sported a slight scar on his cheek, a badge of past battles, giving him a more seasoned look than his young age. Yet the young soldier spoke up with confidence and strength.

        "My king, this princess of yours was not acting in any way to harm you. She . . . being a woman just acted like a mother toward a child . . . wishing to free the Amazon girl. Perhaps she would have attempted this even unknowing of the warrior's beastly actions. But does that warrant her death . . .  or any type of torture?"

        "You are just enamored of Zaria!," shouted another general. "I have seen the way you look at her." His name was Guskin and he was short and thick. His head was bald and he had a perpetual angry face. "You just don't want to loose the fantasy girl. The one you and your men see each day from the field where we practice outside the palace."

        Krido looked sternly into the young man's face.

        It would be a shame if she were no longer to pass by on horseback with Moshtok and the other girls . . . as they did for those warmer months, " said Guskin. "Am I right, Arpada . . . great lover of women?"

            Sharvur, Krido and Murka found no humor in this unnecessary mockery of the young man's infatuation.

            "I say Zaria should be skinned alive for what she did," Guskin snarled. Then we shall see if her powers were ever real or not. Krido is right. And our king is right. She dies for what she did!."

            Sharvur spoke again, obviously now with a pain that not even the herbs given to him all night could dampen. "Go. Organize your men. . . each of you, "he whispered. "Send out a party of twenty warriors each. . . to find her. . .and any of the Amazons. Bring them back to me alive. There will be hell to pay by each of them for what that beast Aella did to me!"

            The generals looked each other in the eyes, knowing Sharvur was serious about his revenge. They knew it might be a long campaign as it was not even considered that they would return without what their king ordered—Amazons as victims for his reprisal--and hopefully, Aella herself, the female warrior who emasculated him.

        "Go now. All of you. I will decide what to do with princess Zaria . .  who deserves nothing less than death. What she gets with it . . . or instead of it . . . will be my decision these next long days of eternal pain."

            As the generals and Krido gave their hopes for their king's lasting recovery, and began to walk out, Sharvur called over to his bed once more the young Arpada.

            "What is it you wish for, my king?"

            "You," said Sharvur, emphatically.

            "I don't understand, my liege."

            "You, Arpada . . . now have something I do not have anymore. And I plan to put it to good use."

            "Yes. But how, my king."

            "You will see. . . it is something . . . you will enjoy . . . as I will enjoy watching it."

            "Does it have to do with the princess. . .  Zaria?" Arpada asked.

        "Yes. And maybe more beautiful slaves for you as well. Consider you are now under my special orders. To be on call when I need you. You and that young strong body of yours."

            "Yes, my king. . . I will comply as you order." 

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