Chapter 5- Enter Alhambra

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Alucard pushed the penthouse doors open; and with Ana on his arm, they proceeded to leave their room like a newly wed couple on their honeymoon.

As they made their way down the hall, more soldiers were posted either side of the main hallway.
To begin with they did nothing, they watched the couple take several steps forward before viciously opening fire on them.
Again, such attacks did nothing; bullets flew all over the hall, but none were effective in causing any damage.

"This is poor hotel service" Ana complained.
"I couldn't agree more" Alucard smirked.

Then, without warning the couple pulled out their weapons and started shooting at the majority of the soldiers.
Those who were able to scramble away, ran towards the elevator at the end of the hall, in such a fit of terrified panic.
One solider was so desperate, he was pressing the button in the elevator to try and close the door faster, it would have worked...had he not looked up at Ana.
She widened her eyes and made contact with his, possessing his mind, she forced the poor soul to press the other button to hold the door open.
The other soldiers were mortified and tried tog et him to stop, but all the force of pulling him away wasn't working, so in desperation and fear they shot him in the chest until he fell out the elevator.

"Violent much?" Ana playfully joked.

Ana walked up to the fallen soldier and aimed her gun at his head as he looked up at her helplessly, without a second thought she pulled the trigger, killing him instantly.
Alucard smirked at her actions, then turned his attention to the elevator, who's doors were closing, but millimetres before they could, he forced his guns in and forced them back open.

"Open sesame!" he said in a sinister tone.

Confined in that small space the soldiers were piling on top of each other completely horrified.

"Joining me my dear?" Alucard asked Ana.
"Oh it's cramped in there, I'll meet you in the lobby, I'm taking the stairs" Ana smiled and waved, vanishing from sight.
"Good work soldiers, now, goodnight" Alucard threatened with a straight face.

Going all out, he unleashed his fire on all the trapped soldiers, the elevator shard echoed with shrill agonising screams of anguish.
Only a minute passed, and Ana joined Alucard as he came casually out of the elevator.

"Well you look like you had fun" Ana sarcastically remarked.

Alucard simply smirked and turned his head to the left and Ana to the right, in the halls either side were several soldiers waiting with their weapons trained on them.
They both scoffed and turned to each other and smiled, their eyes flowing that scarlet red and their fangs glistening like that of wild animals.

In the meantime, even more soldiers were stationed outside the hotel, including a dozen TV cameras and reported. Before they knew it, the glass door entrance to the hotel completely shattered.
From inside, the soldiers who tried to oppose the Vampires; were violently launched one by one into the air and impaling then viciously on the dozen flag polls that lead up to the entrance.
The poles were thrusted right through the bodies, blood was flowing from them, all the way down, splashing on the onlooking bystanders and camera men who were filming.
The two monsters then stepped out arm in arm once more, the onlookers were too mortified to even move so they all remained still.

"Hope we haven't cause a ruckus" Ana said covering her mouth dramatically.
"Well, hate to tell you Ana, but I think we have" Alucard responded.

He then led her part-way down the stairs, where they were met by a Hispanic man in a suit and hat.

"Oh my, you both are such children, you really shouldn't play with your food" the stranger advised.

Alucard and Ana remained motionless.

"You certainly live up to your reputation, my name is Tub alcain Alhambra, though some have taken to calling me, the 'dandy man'" he introduced himself.
"Mind numbingly interesting" Ana yawned.
"Did these poor souls belong to you?" Alucard asked.
"Oh you're referring to those unfortunate men up there. Their superiors were fools, and so they allowed their men to end up in such a state. It's truly amazing what some men will do on the promise of immortality" Alhambra replied.

"The couple lightly sniggered.

"Taking advantage of idiots..." Alucard started.
"There isn't such a thing as immortality" Ana giggled, amused.
"No need to be cruel, they still served their purpose, after all, how many of your holy ammunition round do you have left Mr Alucard?" Alhambra coyly asked.
"You're starting to bore me, let's cut to the chase, what are you here for?" Alucard interrupted.

Alhambra smirked and extended out his right arm, from it fell dozens of playing cards, he even held a single card in his hand.

"I'm here to take your un-life Mr Alucard, Millennium has given me the task of brining you in. Well at least a sample of you"

Alhambra gave one swift motion of his arm and the cards he controlled went darting at the pair, but they did not move; instead they sustained a few cuts, drawing out a few streams of blood.
The other cards crashed into the stairs, causing a crater and kicking up a cloud of dust.
Once it cleared, Alhambra saw their unamused expressions.

"I see, there's just no reasoning with you people. Which leaves me no choice but to keep killing until there isn't one of you left standing" Alucard smirked.
"It would appear those bastards leaned nothing from last time" Ana stated.

With a wave of his arms and flick of his wrists, the cards dances around to his will, he then proceeded to make them attack the couple once more, but this time, they moved, splitting either side to avoid the blow of the attack.
Alhambra pressed on with his attacks, targeting Ana and Alucard as they jumped around, as a result however there were a number of additional causalities, as a lot of by standing humans took the blow for the attacks.
Losing heads, limbs and sustaining gaping slashes to their chest and stomachs.
It was then the couple opened fire back, at one point their thought they got him in the neck. But it was an illusion he had created from his cards, as a result, Alucard fell into a trap, a blast from behind him causing him to go flying forward onto his front.

"Got you" Alhambra boasted.

Ana then jumped in, pushing Alucard out the way, instead, she became the victim to the attack, there was a loud and erupting explosion from the cards as they targeted her body.
Fortunately only a few managed to hit her, and as she was concealed by the dust, Alucard dove in and gathered Ana into his arms.

"Need a lift" he asked her.
"Much appreciated" she smiled.

With her out of harms way, they were now standing on the side of the hotel building.
Alucard gazed down to see Alhambra was looking up at the pair, wasting no time, he carried her to the roof of the hotel.

"Are you alright?" he asked her.
"Yeah I'm fine, but I'm struggling to stop bleeding...strange" she gasped.
"Magic playing cards, how interesting" Alucard sniggered.

Just then he stood up straight and turned his head to the left.

"Hi" he smiled.

There appeared Alhambra, Alucard moved Ana to the side of the roof so she could rest.

"Ready for another round Mr Alucard, I bet they have a special place for you ready, in the pits of hell" Alhambra teased.

Alucard chuckled and turned to face his opponent.

"What is something funny?" Alhambra asked.
"I'm just pleased that's all, the world would be so boring without idiots like you to amuse me. A new Millennium group, a revived last Battalion- yes, I know, you remind me of that insane little Major and his freak-show Menagerie. I'm grateful that the world still breeds such madness- now it's time to play Alhambra, I want to hear you squeal like a pig!" Alucard threatened.

Ana smirked as she continued to watch the show, Alucard was done playing around, the expression in his crimson eyes said that much.

"You expect me to squeal, are you serious, don't you see what is happening- you really have gone completely soft in the head!" Alhambra screamed and attempted to attack Alucard who's attacks just went through him.

Just as Alhambra was about to launch another attack, Seras had stepped in to distract him, she fired many bullets at him, of which was able to shield himself from with his cards.
Out of bullets so pulled out her Harkonen, one fire of it launches a massive bullet, but with a single card, Alhambra split the bullet as it came flying towards him, the bullet his the ground behind him causing quite a stir of dust to surround them.
Caught of guard he fearfully turned to see Alucards shadow behind him, he tried to attack and the silhouette vanished, he continued on firing at the shadows but none of them were Alucard.
That was until the Alhambra was taken a back by Alucard appearing right next to him, grabbing his arm and snapping it in half.
With a last ditch effort, Alhambra attempted to slice Alucard through with another card, but Alucard was able to split through the card, and right through Alhambra's arm.
He certainly did squeal like pig, the shrill screaming, the agony was just echoing from the top of the building.
Without swift movement Alucard was healed, and reached out to grab Alhambra either side of the head, and brought him close to his face.

"That's checkmate to Alhambra, now I'm obliged to give you a thorough interrogation, so you're going to tell me everything you know...well, your blood will" Alucard smirked, he opened his mouth wide, his teeth sharp and exposed, as he hovered his mouth over Alhambra's neck and violently pierced his flesh, absorbing all his thoughts.

"Are you alright Miss?" Seras asked as she came running to Ana's aid, but by the time she did Ana was already up and healed.
They turned to Alucard who was engulfed by blue flames from Alhambra as he was destroyed by his masters.
The flames eventually went out and Alucard was applauding with such an amused expression.

"W...what was that?" Seras asked.

Suddenly a helicopter emerged from the side of the building, and inside was Captain Bernadotte who had a pilot at gunpoint to drive the helicopter.

"Mr Alucard, Ladies, can I offer you a lift somewhere?" he called out.
"About time" Ana replied, then they all proceeded to jump in and be flown away from the city centre. 

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