Chapter 3 Meeting Iscariot

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Come the next evening, Ana was disturbed by a door closing next door.
Sighing in frustration, she pushed off the lid and sat up, she stretched her arms and yawned.

"Good evening" said a familiar voice.

Ana turned to see Alucard siting on one of the sofas.

"Good evening Alucard, did you need something?" Ana asked as she rose from her coffin.
"No, but I heard Integra is employing new soldiers to work for Hellsing, fancy testing their manhood?" he slyly asked.

Ana lightly smiled and together they ventured upstairs.
As they neared the waiting room, they were stopped by Walter.

"Alucard, Anastasia, don't think about it, Sir Integra is inducting the new recruits" he explained.
"Oh we know- that's why we're here" Alucard responded.

He then merged into the shadows, vanishing from sight; by the time Walter turned to address Ana- she too had vanished.

"Oh dear" he gasped and began running down the hall.
"I don't get it, you're saying that girl is really Vampire?" said a French accented voice.
"Damn right she is" Alucard spoke aloud and emerged through the wall into the waiting room.

There were a great number of soldiers in the room and they all turned towards Alucard fearful.

"The police girl might be the lowest of the low, but a vampire is still a vampire" Alucard added.

Just then Ana emerged from the other side of the room from the shadows.

"Well don't they all look like cowards" she commented smugly.
"My apologies Ma'am- I did try to stop them" Walter called out as he came running to Integra's side/
"These men will be guarding us while we sleep, I wanted to take their measure" Alucard justified.

Walter swiftly composed himself then extended a letter towards Integra.
Curious, she took it and viewed the return address on the letter back.

"From Vatican Special Operations Unit 13- The Iscariot organisation- Enrico Maxwell" she read aloud.
"Looks like we have a fun meeting in the morning" Alucard sniggered.
"It would seem so, Alucard, Anastasia and Seras, I want you all there. I don't trust the Iscariots; we'll need any support I can get" Integra ordered.
"Sir" they all said in unison.

Come the next morning the Hellsing group ventured toward the city.
The meeting was being held at the museum in London.
Alucard and Anastasia were lingering nearby while Walter and Integra were in the art gallery awaiting the arrival of the Iscariots.

"They arrange this meeting and still manage to be late" Integra remarked.
"Eavesdropping?" Ana whispered to Alucard.
"You could say that- "
"So just shut up and pay attention you miserable English sow!" said an Italian voice.
"Show time" Alucard smirked and merged into the wall beside them.

Ana however remained where she was for the moment, realising that leaving Alucard unattended was not the best idea, she made her way out from a hallway to where Integra was.
Upon doing so, she saw Alucard with both his guns drawn and before him, a man with blonde hair and green eyes armed with 2 swords.

The pair appeared ready to tear each other apart.

"This is not really an appropriate time for this" she remarked and stood beside Integra.
"Well this isn't fair, you have 2 people to fight for you" Maxwell commented.

A tall skinny man with long white hair and stunning violet eyes.

"Nice to meet you" she smiled.
"My pleasure- Anderson, finish them off"
"Hi, right this way- everyone who is with the Japanese tour right this way please!" burst in Seras.

It was rather amusing, she was dressed in a security guard uniform and was touring a large group of elderly people between Alucard and Anderson.

"Ok, fine so this isn't the time or place for a fight" Alucard admitted.
"Yes you may have a point" Anderson agreed.
"I'm going back to sleep, waking up in the middle of the day is exhausting" Alucard moaned and vanished into the shadows.

With that Father Anderson also took his leave.

"You're excused Anastasia" Integra instructed.

Ana bowed her head and too vanished into the darkness, once on the other side of the wall, she saw Alucard sitting on a chair in the corner of the room.

"What was all that about?" Ana questioned.
"Just a formidable opponent, Father Alexander Anderson, a Paladin Priest. Let's just say he is quite the foe to battle" Alucard responded.
"Oh really, what's so special about him?" Ana asked.
"He's a re generator, he can't die it would seem"

Ana's eyes widened and she was quite intrigued by this, now fighting someone like that would indeed prove to be quite the challenge.
A short while had past, and it was now nightfall, so with that the Hellsing group proceeded to return to the mansion.

Alucard met with Walter in the library as they reviewed today's events, and Ana tagged along.

"I assume you've both heard the news?" Wlater asked.
"Yes" they responded in unison.
"The Nazis again, its unbelievable, but here we are again, 50 years later"
"Doesn't seem that surprising to me" Ana replied.
"I had a feeling they might be involved, this whole mess feels very familiar"
"Oh, and why is that?" Walter responded.
"Why is that, you're asking that after all we've been through, there isn't a lot of people who are will to enlist the undead to do their fighting. There's you, there's them and then there's me, we assumed their undead research institute was completely destroyed over 50 years ago during the war; we killed every last Natzi we found, don't you remember?" Alucard stated.
"Oh I know I do" Ana chuckled.
"Oh yes, we did didn't we, good God it's been ages" Walter responded.
"Growing old seems so awful" Alucard added.
"Oh don't be so rude" Ana said from across the room.
"Nonsence, it's highly enjoyed by English Gentlemen. Alucard, Ana, we're sending you to South America. We're not the sort of people used to backing down, especially when someone has clearly tried to pick a fight"

Alucard chuckled.

"That is a very British attitude, perhaps some digression might serve you better" Alucard suggested.
"If something can be achieved easily, it probably isn't worth it"

Just then the door opened and standing there was Integra.

"Good evening, has Walter explained the situation?" she asked.
"He has indeed" Ana replied.
"My orders are simple, search and destroy, now go" she instructed.
"As you wish my Master" Alucard respectfully said, bowing his head to her.

With that the pair proceeded to pack for their flight first thing in the morning. 

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