Chapter 8- Mansion Invasion

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Hours had passed and there had been no communication from anyone.

Assuming the worst, Ana took charge, she fathers Seras and the mercenaries in the library.

"This mansion is now a fortress, we need to barricade and defend HQ until we are needed" she instructed.
"Pour qua?" Bernadott asked.
"Trust me, we are a target with lights, those Natzi's will be coming here, ideally searching for Integra. I imagine she is safe, but this is a precaution we must take. So, get to work, Seras, come with me" Ana ordered.

Both Vampires made their way to the east roof of the mansion.

"It's more than likely to be an ariel attack to start with, as a result we will need to take it down ASAP. So you will use this" Ana said.

Then from under a massive black tarp, she revealed a stunning weapon.
One that only a vampire could handle.
The Hallconnen 2, 30mm Semi-automatic cannon, maximum range 4000 meters, gross weight 345 Kilos.
A giant weapon only held on ones back.

"Oh my God" Seras gasped.
"Large as it is, I know you can handle this. Get ready, come nightfall we're in for Hell" Ana said.

She rested a hand on Seras's shoulder then merged into the darkness, leaving her alone.

While on the rood Ana could already see London, people running, screaming, buildings shattered, bodies puling up and smoke and fire engulfing each corner of the city.
It truly looked like the Devil's playground.

A few more hours had passed, and Ana was right.
A zeppelin was heading right for them.
Everything was ready.
An assisted in setting up explosives and landmines all around the mansion.
It would hopefully prove effective.

Ana stood on the opposing rood, watching as Seras masterfully handled her weapon.
Eventually blasting the Natzi blimp out of the sky with colossal grenades, causing it to plummet from the cloudy black sky, exploding as it hit the Earth.

As she watched, she even smiled.
For some reason she never noticed it before, but there was such a fire in Seras Victoria that was unlike anything she had seen in decades.

The men began cheering.

"We're not done" Seras spoke in a commanding tone.
"She's right ladies, they're still coming!" Bernadott confirmed.

It was true, that didn't kill them all, they were making their way on foot.

"Re-fuel Sera, they will be arriving soon" Ana instructed.
"Right Miss!" Seras replied.

She then jumped off the roof heading inside.

"Despite what happens, I must follow my Masters instructions" Ana whispered to herself.

Ana looked into the distance where the zeppelin crashed, within the flames, she could clearly see the 42 soldiers and their leader; armed with a scythe and great fury.
Ana smiled in amusement and merged into the shadows, she then appeared in a hallway with the Wilde Geese and Seras.
As soon as she did, several explosives erupted.
It would seem those Natzi's found the land mines.

But that wasn't all, there were other explosives dotted around; loaded with blessed silver exploding balls, further allowing more kills.

"Hmm, not bad for humans" Ana commented.
"Merci Madam Anastasia, but this is what we do" Bernadott smiled.

And it didn't stop there, it followed up with grenade fire from anyone armed with a weapon.
Ana then misted away back to the roof to observe. No sooner had she done so did the Wild Geese stop firing...then she realised why.

Towering 50feet in the sky was a Vampire woman, Lieutenant Zorin.
Or so it seemed, the air was then filled with screams.

"It can't be, this can't be happening!" Seras panicked.

Ana sighed.

"Come now Seras, focus, use that third eye of yours. Use not your human eyes for you are no longer human" Ana instructed.

This proved effective.
She saw through the trick, it was all an illusion.
But convincing the humans was not easy.
Seeing some help was needed Ana pulled out a grenade launcher from the ground and fired several short into the hills.
it was successful, as the illusion faded; however the Vampires over came the mine barrier and broke through the windows, their security had been breached.

With that some of the humans died, but Seras stepped in and killed the few that made it through.

"Seras, I'm leaving for London, hold down the fort" Ana instructed.
"But Miss Anastasia-"
"No buts- I'm counting on you, don't let me down"
"Yes right!" Seras called out.

Smiling, Ana beamed into the sky and headed towards London...but she did not rush. 

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