Chapter 4- Trip to Rio

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The destination was Rio de janeiro Brazil, flights had been booked and luggage packed.
Alucard, Anastasia and Seras, along with Captain Bernadotte and several escorts left for the airport quite early in the morning.

The private plane was very classy to say the least, travelling in style certainly was enjoyable.
That is for Ana and Alucard it was, Seras however was tightly sealed in her coffin with the baggage.
Main reason being that she wouldn't have been able to manage in the open during the day for very long.

During the flight, Ana spend her time reading any additional information she could get on Millennium.

"Any idea what we should expect?" Ana asked Alucard.

He'd been happily sitting there sipping a+positive blood in an elegant glass while looking out the window.

"Not really, I imagine Millennium will try their best to back us into a corner, but it won't be as easy as they thing" he chuckled in amusement.

Ana rolled her eyes at his confidence and returned to her reading.
A number of hours had passed, and they eventually arrived at Galeao International Airport, upon disembarking the flight they were met with a Limo and black can with tinted windows.
Their belongings were loaded into the vehicles and they were transported to the Hotel.
Alucard entered first so he could check them in, Ana stayed with the captain to co-ordinate things.
The vampires had been booked into an elegant and expensive penthouse, while the others resided in cheaper accommodations.

The coffins were brought to the penthouse and in that time, Ana had made her way to the roof, she stood there for about half an hour taking in the surroundings.

"You seem very distracted" said a deep raspy voice.
"Not really, I'm just planning ahead, we can't be so sure what to expect, but I have a strong feeling this fight with those bastards will not be like the last one we had" she replied.

Alucard then stood closely behind her and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling her close to him. Pressing her back onto his chest.

"You and I have very little to worry about my dear Anastasia, surely this doesn't worry you of all things" he whispered into her neck.
"Of course not my dear, but the last events with that Natzi's wasn't an extent that is" she sighed.

She then reached a hand back and rested it on Alucard's neck.
Without warning Alucard parted his lips and gently pierced a fang into her neck.
She lightly shuddered at his actions and closed her eyes in pleasure.

"May I?" he deeply whispered into her ear.
"Always" she uttered nervously.

Smiling once more, Alucard covered his lips over the pierced skin and deeply began sipping Anastasia's blood.
She gasped and softly moaned at his touch, even lightly tugging at his hair.
Eventually Alucard pulled back and licked his fangs clean.

"Tasty as always" he whispered then let her go.

Ana feeling slightly light headed returned to the room, once she arrived she settled into her coffin for the remainder of the day.
As she lay there she brushed her fingers over her neck, the sensation she felt earlier was so satisfying, Alucard rarely fed from Ana, and it had been a long time since he last did. But it certainly was the most amazing feeling possible, in fact it was the only time she ever felt anything.
Losing herself in her thoughts she eventually drifted into a deep sleep.

Several hours had passed before she heard knocking on her coffin lid, sighing in frustration she raised her right hand up and pushed the lid slowly off.

"This better be good" she groaned.
"Well, we do have company" said Alucard who was standing beside her coffin.

He then held out his hand and helped Ana out of her Coffin, as he did so, there was a sudden interruption, Ana looked towards a window and saw light blaring in from the ground floor.
Ana walked towards the windows and stood beside Seras who was pressed against the glass in overwhelmed shock and confusion.

"Looks like news of our arrival has spread, I imagine that means we need to deal with this" Ana commented.
"Seras, hide in there, and come out when things quieten things down" Alucard instructed.
"Y...yes Master" Seras replied and climbed into a cupboard and sat in wait.

Ana made her way to the bedroom and closed the door, while Alucard remained in the living room.
A few seconds had passed and suddenly the second set of doors to the penthouse burst open violently.
Then, without warning, a SWAT team swarmed in and opened rapid fire onto Alucard; riddling his body with bullets and forcing him to the window, shattering the glass causing warm air from outside to waft its way into the room.
The SWAT team were confident of their win, naturally it would appear victory was theirs...if only they know who they were dealing with.
Ana was standing by the bedroom door, listening to what was being said.

"Dogs, that was a very good try" Alucard boastfully spoke.

The SWAT team began gasping in horrific dear, the being was still alive.
Alucard rose from the floor and fully healed in the process as every essence of his being swirled around in black mist eventually coming together forming his body once more.

"However, I can't be killed by dogs!" he exclaimed.

Ana then stepped out from the bedroom.

"Foolish things, it takes a man in order to kill a monster" Ana added.

The team panicked and tried to open fire once more on both Vampires, but that was indeed a deadly mistake.
Each bullet passed through both Alucard and Ana as parts of their bodies became mist.

"What the hell are they?!" a soldier screamed.
"Just keep firing, fire till you're empty!" the SWAT leader ordered.

The poor pathetic beings did as they were told, but as they continued, Alucard began manifesting himself, his partial monstrous nature emerging from the deepest, darkest depths of his soul.
Ana remained motionless and just watched as the soldiers fell one by one in pools of their own blood.
Alucard tore their limbs off and ripped his fangs on their fragile necks; spewing crimson all over the walls and floor.
One soldier managed to scramble to the second set of doors outside the living room, he slammed the door shut in terror, panting, sweating.

"Lock the door!" Alucard slyly mocked as he appeared behind the soldier.

Ana came out the bedroom and looked around the carnage Alucard created.

"Well he's certainly not changed at all" she sighed.

No sooner had she spoken did she hear a gunshot, and an angry growl.
Alucard then proceeded back to the living room, with a single stream of blood still running from the corner of his mouth.
Ana walked towards him and glanced into his scarlet eyes, gently she raised her right hand and rested it on his cheek briefly before whipping away the blood with her thumb.

"I assume he killed himself" she asked.
"He did" Alucard bluntly responded.

Just then a cupboard door opened and out jumped Seras, she then began looking around nervously at all the dismembered corpses.

"W...what happened?" she stuttered.

Ana scoffed and sat on one of the sofas.

"Seras, prepare for battle" Alucard ordered.
"But..." she started.
"Is there a problem?" Ana yelled.
"But...Master, these people, they're humans" she explained.
"Your point?" Alucard asked.
"These people are human beings!" Seras screamed.

Enraged by her response, Alucard spun around and grabbed onto her shirt, he pulled her closer to him.

"I don't care what these things are! They came here to try and kill us; it no longer matters what they are. Now they must die, they will be slaughtered- corpses – left to rot in their graves like filth. This is just the way it is; this is what has to be done- and no one has the power to change that, not God, the Devil or you!" he berated her in intense rage.

Seras then began crying and whimpering, tears welling in her sapphire eyes.

"I know, b...but they're just..." she muttered.

For some reason, her tears stirred him, it was as if he understood and acknowledged what she said; but it still didn't matter, it would not change anything.

"This is just the way it is" he finalised and released her.

She fell onto the ground and looked ahead.

"Yes Sir...yes right!" she forcefully said and stood up ready to prepare for the fight ahead.
"Go to the roof Police Girl, your skills would be more valuable up there" Ana ordered.
"Yes Miss" she replied and left the room.

Ana then returned her attention towards Alucard who was now standing beside her, he smiled his evil smile and held his hand towards her.
She rested her right hand onto his and he heled her to her feet.

"You best call Integra, things have somewhat changed. I'm sure she'd be keen to hear what's happened" Ana advised.

Alucard proceeded to pull out his phone and call the Hellsing direct line.

"Who is it?" she responded.
"It's your humble servant Sir Integra, give me my orders master" Alucard replied.
"What did you do to that SWAT team?" she fearfully asked.
"I killed them" he simply stated.

Ana smiled to herself as she continued to observe the gleaming joy in her eyes.

"I slaughtered them like cattle, there's not one left standing. Now all that I require is our orders Sir Integra" Alucard continued.

Ana then put the phone on speaker.

"It appears the Senior officials of the City's Police are under Millenniums control" Ana verified.
"These people who stand against me may be innocent humans, but I will kill them. I'm ready to strike them down without a moments hesitation- without the slightest hint of regret, I can do this for you" he continued.

Ana then wrapped her arms around Alucards' waist, resting her head on his back.

"We are monsters, Ana and I will do what needs to be done. But what will you do Sir Integra, my sights are trained, my magazine is fully loaded, I've pulled the slide and removed the safety, everything is ready and waiting- still, you must be the one to pull the trigger" he explained to her.
"So, what are your orders?" Ana asked.

Several minutes of complete silence passed...then Integra burst into a rage.


Ana tightened her hold on Alucard and softly moaned into his back. Equally his breathing became heavy and she could feel the fang bearing smile on his face.

"The final veil removed, this is excellent news indeed, you still know how to inspire my passion Integra; then by your orders my Master, I hope you enjoy the show" Alucard responded with immense joy.

He then cut the phone and turned to face Ana.
His ruby red eyes shining like the erupting flames in the pit of hell.

"Well, you heard her Alucard" Ana smiled.

He then pulled her close to him in a right embrace.

"My darling Ana, will you be my escort on this evening of massacre ahead of us?" he whispered inches from her lips.

"Oh I thought you'd never ask" she whispered back, lightly brushing her lips over his, but only for a brief second.

Seras was in awe at the two Vampires.
They were indeed a pair made for each other, that violent nature, the blood lust, the passion, they were matched in each other.

Alucard then held his arm towards Ana, smiling up at him she locked her arms with his.

"Let's have a ball" she slyly said. 

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