Chapter 10: Walter's betrayal

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"Master!" the young women screamed. 

They both appeared by his side, trying to fend off the fiery thorns, only to have them wrap around their arms.
Seras was screaming in panic, but Ana refused to show weakness. 

"Why must you insist on making such a racket!" Alucard smirked at Seras.

He then turned to Ana.

"And you my dear, my love,  always by my side since the day I turned you" Alucard spoke, with such, passion.

Ana smiled and pulled Anderson's thorn wrapped sword from Alucard and threw it away. 
Alucard then stood straight and immediately recovered. 

"Anderson, there was a moment when you could have defeated me, you had your chance as the sun set on that barren field on that fateful evening over five centuries ago, I would have let claim my heart, but now- you're moment has passed- YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!" he screamed.

"Only a human can destroy a monster- only a human can hope to!" 

With rage and bloodlust and vengeance fulling him, Alucard raged back tearing his way through the vines, until he reached Andersons heart, with that classic force, he plummeted his hand through Andersons chest, and ripped his heart clean from his chest. With the nail still in it, Alucard held it in the palm of his hand and crushed it with such force is shattered into blood rain. 

From the pressure of the extraction, Anderson went flying back, in tatters.
All that remained was his upper body and half his face.
That relic had essentially killed him.

Full of grief at the fall of his enemy, Alucard screamed.


Everyone gasped.

"YOU ARE ME, I WAS JUST THE SAME, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THIS IS HOW I BECAME WHAT I AM!" he continued to scream and shed tears of blood.

Ana herself couldn't help it, the same tears fell from her eyes, but they were tears of water, which was surprising, but her tears were of pure sadness, not rage. 

Suddenly there was a light chuckle...from Anderson.

"Demons do not cry, are these the tears of a long dead child?" he asked with a weak smile.

"Demons do not cry, you became a demon because you couldn't cry anymore right. Humans cry. And when their tears finally run dry there's nothing left but a demon and a monster and a final prayer for death. So laugh demon, laugh that arrogant laugh of yours and remember; I beat you to it. So how long will it be then, how long before you're no longer cursed to walk the Earth?"

"Until the weight of my past is shattered by my oncoming future. it shouldn't be too long my nemesis, I'll see you in Hell" Alucard replied. 

With a light breeze, Anderson turned into white ash and was swept away by the breeze...with a final smile on his face. 

His remaining soldiers were saddened by his passing, and watched unable to do much else.

That moment of silence was all too short lived.  Suddenly all the buildings around them were sliced in half and shattered, and from the dust emerged...Walter, but much younger. 

"Walter! Is that you?!" Integra demanded.
"Trash, the dead are nothing but refuse, and there's no need for anyone to mourn filth. Isn't that right, Integra?" Walter asked. 
"Walter Sir, what have they done to you?" Seras asked. 
"What have they done to me, obviously I've been captured, brainwashed and turned into a Vampire then forced against my will to tear my friends and masters to bloody shreds" he blankly replied. 

Seras appeared heartbroken. 

"Is that the sort of explanation you were hoping for Seras, I answer to no mans will but my own. I am myself in mind body and soul, I am Walter.C Dolnez, the Angel of Death. And as the dawn light cuts through the darkness so shall I reap each of your souls in bloody turn"

"Enough Walter!" Integra screamed. 
"Do not say that name!" Walter screamed back.
"I'll kill you, kill you, kill you- you know nothing of what it means to serve a Master!" Yumie screamed as she charged towards him (she is a member of Iscariot).

She drew her sword with great speed, fully intent on killing Walter...but her efforts were in vain, using his strings, Walter cut her to pieces. 
Her colleague, Hinekle attempted to step in but was shot in the head by the wolf of the Nazis. It appeared he wasn't dead, but just shot in the jaw, as a warning, he threw him a medi-pack and sped away.
But Hinekle was hell-bent on revenge, he vowed to kill Walter. 

Walter would let nothing stand in his way, so he claimed. 

"Get up, stand and face me Alucard, lap dog of Hellsing!" Walter screamed. 
"Angel of death, you were such a lovely old man, it pains me to see what you've become"

"Stand and face me Alcuard"
"You know damn well the two of us are dogs, we do not bark unless we are told" Alucard bent down and rested his forehead on the ground.

"Give me your orders Master. I can kill, I can slaughter him without the slightest hesitation or hint of regret, I am a monster in his cage, and you are Integra. My hand holds the weapon, my sight finds the target, I can chamber the round, I can pull back on the bolt and I can release the safety, but you, it is your will that commands the killing, so what will you do, what are you orders my Master. Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing!" Alucard asks. 

Integra pauses for a moment...unaware of how everyone was waiting for her to just say it...say those words everyone was waiting for. 

"Say the words- Integra- SAY IT SAY THE WORDS!"
"Now search and destroy, servant you have your standing orders, annihilate all forces that oppose us, regardless of what or who it is!" Destroy anyone in your way, she shouted with strength but great pain.

"Well said Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing! To think I called you an amature, it appears I owe you an apology, you are now my lovely and enormously large enemy that I must destroy at all costs!" said a booming voice over a speaker. 

Then it landed, the monstrous Zeppelin that was haunting the skies had landed on the ground, its doors opened and ramps allowing entrance. 
And standing there was Schroder. 

"Go to him and kill him, go put an end to this" Alucard encouraged.
"Go Seras, help her put an end to this mad mans dream, put an end to this 50 year nightmare"

Before leaving, Seras thanked Walter for all he had done and asked him to take care before leaving to help Integra.
Walter was surprised, but smiled and returned the sentiment. 
With that they both went into the ship to confront the Major, but not before shooting Schrodinger in the head, blasting it clean off his shoulders. 

Alucard smirked, admiring his master and servant as they went into their own battle. 

"My Master, what do you wish I should do?" Ana asked, waiting patiently. 
"Remain here, by my side" he replied. 

With that the two men went into battle. Walter was indeed an impressive opponent, his strings were precise, violent and deadly. 

"You once told me Alucard that true immortals don't exist, you might be onto something, lets keep killing you until there is nothing left!" Walter commented. 

For a while, Walter certainly did not fear any of Alucards tricks, there was little he hadn't seen before. 
So much so that to point, he managed to free this man called Luke Valentine had emerged from the sludge of the Hound of  Baskerville spirit that resided in Alucard. 
Using his body, Walter, controlled him to be a puppet and shield. 
As the battle went on, Walter was struggling, his body was giving in, it appeared that whatever the Vampires did to him, was weakening him. 
But he was still determined to take Alucard down. 

It got to a point where Alucard was put into a position whereby Walter had managed to ensnare Alucard to a point where all that remained was his armless body and head. All wrapped up in his strings. 

"J...just his heart!" Walter called out and stabbed Alucard through with a metal pole"

Only to was an illusion that really was Luke Valentine instead. 
Then Alucard appeared in the form of a child dressed in white, he punched Walter in the face, causing him to start releasing smoke, his body was a shell that was borrowed, something that was causing his body to regress into that of a child. 

"When all is said and done, this is nothing but a childish squabble" Alucard scoffed. 

He then proceeded to challenge Walter once more, to fight and kill him. 

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