She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes before saying, "You're right... I never even thought about that... damn. I've gone and cause Yukichi more trouble."

She felt something move across from her, but her mind was racing with possible ways to prevent the Mafia from linking the $4 billion bounty on her head to the Agency. If the Agency had a combined bounty of $11 billion yen, then every major organization in the city, no, in the province would be after them.

She felt something rest on her hand that was gripping the cup on the table before she opened her eyes and saw Dazai leaning over the table.

"Relax, you didn't let me finish and I know you're thinking about something that is already under control. Your identity is still safe, I can assure you that the mafia had no idea YOU were the Coder.  I had narrowed it down to about 300 others in the city. You did a good job covering your tracks with your ability.  I bet you deleted any and all footage of you on camera and any other ties to you.  You did a great job at hiding, and you're still going to keep your peace."

(Y/n) sat back up in her seat at his words before saying, "Are you serious!? Y-you were the lead in the mafia trying to find me!?"

Dazai tilted his head to the side and confusedly said, "Yes?"

She smiled a bit before saying, "If I was able to hide from you for this long, then I feel pretty good about still remaining hidden!"

Dazai smirked a bit before standing to his feet and saying, "I take that coming you as quite the compliment.  After all, you were one of the few assignments I failed to deliver anything on.  You should not take your ability to remain hidden for granted, my dear!  I assure you'll be fine, you've got the Agency and me watching your back."

She gave him a soft smile before standing to her feet as well and stretching slightly before saying, "Well, I appreciate you looking out for me, but honestly, I have one more question for our little game."

Dazai nodded and said, "Please, ask away."

She placed some paper bills on the table to tip the waitress (despite her rude behavior before), and she turned to walk towards the coat stand. Dazai reached out to help her put her coat on before she asked, "Did you ask me here to strategically get information out of me to confirm your ideas that I am The Coder? Is that why we took the longest route here? Is that why you proposed this little question game knowing I'd answer them all as long as you'd play along?"

Dazai gave her a soft smile while slipping his own coat on and saying, "On the contrary, I knew you were the  Coder as soon as you woke up this morning by seeing those articles floating above your head. I simply wanted to take a lovely gem out to lunch. How many times will I have to repeat myself for you to understand?"

She blushed at his words before walking out the door and up the stairs while saying, "You can't blame a girl  who has never had a guy ask her out for being wary when a handsome man comes along and practically begs her to have lunch."

Dazai's eyes widened slightly before he settled into a soft smile and said, "Well, I can guarantee this handsome guy simply thinks she's worth getting to know and that she shouldn't doubt everyone's intentions."

If she wasn't blushing already, she certainly was now. Not just from his sweet words but also from the embarrassment of her doubts towards him. She'd truly thought poorly of Dazai at first, but how she realized just how pure his intentions were. He really just wanted to rake her out to get to know her because she's interesting to him.

"Sorry, for doubting you earlier... I know you're not fishy anymore...  Just, the idea of you being an executive in the Port Mafia scared me."

Dazai simply brought his arm to rest it on her shoulders as he pulled her closer to him and said, " Don't sweat it, after all it's nothing a kiss can't fix!"

She slapped his arm away and said, "If there is one thing I've learned though, it's that you're a notorious flirt, Dazai Osamu."

He smirked and shrugged his shoulders before saying, "And you're a young woman with a bounty on her head. Nothing that can't be overlooked in a relationship!"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Dazai, I'm sure you say that to every woman you see..."

He shrugged his shoulders once more before saying, "But I don't always mean it."

She blushed once more at his words before he suddenly shouted, "Ahhh, look at that bridge over there!"

He pointed off in the distance before (Y/n) squinted and said, "How the hell did that catch your eye?"

Dazai's eyes sparkled before he said, "I think... I think it's perfect!"

She giggled at his childlike fascination before saying, "What's it perfect for?"

His face grew serious before he grabbed her shoulders and made her face him as he spoke, "Double Suicide."

She slapped him so hard that he had an imprint show up on his face.

She cracked her knuckles before stepping closer to the man and saying, "Someone's life isn't given to them to be thrown away into a fucking canal!"

Dazai grew scared of the woman's change in demeanor before recalling the President's words from last night, "She doesn't enjoy talks of death."

"Haha, whoopsies! Forget about the double suicide thing—"

He skipped over to the bridge with (Y/n) following him, a grim look on her face as he walked to the edge of the bridge and said, "I shall humbly commit a normal suicide out of respect for the lovely lady! Farewell, Belladonna! I'll see you later. "

He spread his arms wide before falling off the edge of the bridge and into the water below as [Y/n] screamed and ran to the edge of the bridge before seeing a splash on the surface below.


[end chapter]

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