Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"You love my money. You need water. And, you always want what you can't have." I correct her. Remember, I know her, well.

"I can make you feel good." She promises while trying to get her arms around me.

For fucks sake. Is she even listening to herself?

"God damn it Megan. I'm gay! And even if I was straight, you wouldn't be my cup of tea." I argue. This is definitely not the first time I have explained this.

"Well, that's just rude!" She stomps her feet. I remember her tantrums. It's never attractive.

I run my hand down my face, completely intolerant of this whole scene.

Luckily, the cab shows up. Thank God.

"9232 Beverlywood. Make sure she gets in the door safe." I order as I placed her in the back. I hand the cabbie a Benjamin. That should be enough motivation.

I close the door and watch as my problem leaves the premises.

What a fucking night.

***Dek's POV***

I searched everywhere for Elik. This party has gotten so outta hand. I had to break up two shoving matches. My shit is getting destroyed. I can't even imagine how long it will take to clean up this disaster.

All I want is to curl up in bed with Elik and deal with everything later.

When I finally give up, I spot him. Thank God! To my complete and utter shock, a good looking blonde is wrapped around him. What the actual fuck? Her hands are roaming his body. Is that her hand? On his cock?

I don't bother to break up their little reunion. I walk out to the pool, stripping my clothes, I jump in with just my boxers. Fuck.

People take this as an invitation to join, but I am not feeling company.

I get out, snatch my pants on and walk off on to the cool sand of the beach.

Maybe, it wasn't what I think.

That seems unlikely.

I run my hand over my face and throw myself onto the sand. Laying back, I look up to the night sky.

The first person I ever liked, and less than 6 hours later, I have to deal with this shit.

Par for the course. Par for the fucking course.

I am interrupted from my internal bitching, when the culprit makes his presence known.

"Baby? What are you doing out here, alone?" Elik asks as he sits beside me.

I scoot away. I am absolutely irritated.

When I don't answer, he asks a different question.

"What's wrong?" He questions worriedly.

"What's right?" I shrug. I'm moody.

"Did something happen?" He looks at me. Clear concern laces his features.

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