8 🍪

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it was currently break time and daeun decided to spend it in the library. she knew that there won't be alot of people during that time and it was perfect for her.

considering she had three pocket sized friends with her.

the girl took the table at the corner of the library, quite hidden from everyone due to the high shelves blocking it.

she set her bag down on the chair and carefully brought out the three boys one by one. daeun placed them on the table and the second they stepped on the ground, they all immediately look around in awe.

"we're in the library!" jaemin exclaimed and climbed up the stack of books that daeun brought to read. he arrived and sat down, swinging his legs from the top of the stacked books.

after settling down, daeun brought out her notebook and pencil case, ready to do her assigned homework early.

she gave lucas and donghyuck a random english dictionary to read, just to keep them occupied.

while jaemin was still at the top of the stacked books, now sleeping soundly on it.

the atmosphere was quiet since there were barely any people there. only the soft snores of the pink haired can be heard and the occasional sound of a page flipping over by the duo who were studying english.

lunch time was over 2 hours ago yet the girl felt her stomach rumble in hunger. she then fished out a couple of biscuit packs and opened one, immediately eating the snack.

it got lucas and donghyuck's attention and looked up at daeun. "can i have some too?" the tanned male asked and approached the girl.

"ooooh me too! me too!" lucas joined in and jumped around.

she chuckled at their cute behavior and gladly opened another biscuit pack for them and broke it into small pieces, enough for them to eat at once.

the two sat down on the table next to the biscuit and munched on it happily.

not forgetting a certain sleeping boy, daeun softly tapped jaemin's head in attempt to wake him up.

instead, the boy only turned to the other side and ignored her, continuing his short slumber.

but after a few seconds, jaemin yawned and opened his eyes. he sat up straight and stretched out his arms.

the girl laughed at how the newly awakened boy's hair was a mess, going in all directions.

jaemin didn't mind and only looked around his surroundings, finding that he was still on top of the stacked books and that lucas and donghyuck were eating pretty loudly on the table.

he slowly climbed down the stack and went to the duo, joining in their biscuit feast since he was also quite hungry.

noticing that his hair was still messy, daeun softly fixed his hair down using her index finger.

she watched the three of them eat biscuit and couldn't help but smile widely at the sight.

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