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hoseok waited anxiously for the last bell to ring. he had been waiting for this day, had been planning to ask him, so he had cleaned his room in hopes of yoongi saying yes.

and he did, which made hoseok extremely happy, yet very insecure.

would yoongi like his home? would yoongi find him lame?

he couldn't even concentrate as questions like that kept running through his head.

and then it happened, the bell rang.

he quickly gathered his things, eager to meet yoongi and see his beautiful face. he had prepared everything so it wouldn't get awkward, and he couldn't wait to spend time with the small boy alone.

yoongi on the other hand, was slowly gathering his things, trying to keep his anxiety at bay.

smell the flowers, blow out the candles

he kept repeating the technique taehyung had once taught him to control his anxiety. the thought of the blue haired boy almost made yoongi break down then and there, but he knew tae would have wanted him to stay strong.

so he tried, for him.

when he was finished gathering his things, and his anxiety had calmed down a little, he walked out of the classroom to be met by a smiling hoseok at the door.

"hey yoongs." both boys blushed at the nickname, but proceeded to walk down the hall.

"did you take the bus to school?" hoseok wondered, looking down at the male who was walking beside him.

"no, i usually take my bike. what about you?" he replied. hoseok wondered how that would work out considering hoseok drove in his car to school, and that was the way they would get to his house today. what would they do about his bike?

"i take my car. me and the others usually carpool together." he smiled as he answered, but it soon faltered as he suddenly realized that they had never asked yoongi to join them, not that there was any seats left for him, but still.

"that sounds like fun.. but wait, what do we do about my bike then?" yoongi asked the exact same question hoseok had asked himself only seconds ago.

"i can just make one of the others take the bus tomorrow so i can pick you up before school." hoseok suggested, but yoongi shook his head.

"no, you don't have to do that, i can just walk. it's no big deal." he politely declined. he wanted to get picked up by hoseok, because that meant spending more time with him, but he couldn't do that to one of the others. they deserved a seat in the car more than him.

"come on yoongs, let me spoil you a little." he winked in a teasing manner, surprising himself with his confidence. yoongi only blushed as he let the swarm of butterflies overtake his stomach.

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