Chapter 1

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                                                                 ~Helen's P.O.V~

*RING* "No its to early to wake up!" I shouted. I heard loud foot steps coming to my room."Helen wake up its the first day of collage!"my roommate Carolina shouted through the door."No~."I shouted back. "Don't make me come in there you know whats gonna happen!"She screamed annoyed as soon as she answered I jumped out of bed and into the bathroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 Minutes Later ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I hopped out the showers and rapped myself in a towel. "Cloths, cloths , cloths." I sang. I picked out a my black high wasted jeans and my light blue crop top, with black convers, and put on my owl necklace and  put my hair in a high ponytail to complete it. "Perfect!"

Walking to the kitchen I see Carolina putting our bowls of ramen on the table. "Nice outfit." I told her admiring her. She was wearing a white tank top, high wasted red shorts and black combat boots. Her red jewel choker (necklace) shined as she sat down. Her black sweater completed the outfit."Thanks, check this out." She said as she pulled her hoodie on and two cat ears popped up. "Lol that's cute." i said while taking my seat in front of her. "Mmm smells good!" i said.

"So what class did you pick for collage" i questioned her. "English is mandatory and i also got art an music." She answered. "Oh cool me too but i also got a extra class and chose fashion designing."

"Of course you would." Carolina said. After finishing my food I went to brush my teeth."Brush, brush,brush!" I sang. Walking out the bathroom i shouted at Carolina "You ready to leave!" "Yeah let me brush my teeth first." she shouted back."K!"i said in a lower voice.


I know its short but i coulnt think of a beggining. >_<  Hope you liked it so far.

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