Chapter 9 The water park

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The campers had just gotten back from a hike and it was scorching hot. They changed into their swimsuits and went to the mini water park.

The pool was huge with transparent deep blue water. It contained 4 to 5 water slides. The counselors had given the campers some inflatable beach balls, and Nerf water guns.

Tommy, Oliver, Diggle, Barry, Rene, Roy, Ralph and Cisco chased each other with the water guns while sliding down the slides. And the other campers just played with the inflatable beach balls and slid down the slides. This is awesome!!! Tommy yelled before going down the slide. Banzai! Ray Terrill could be heard saying, before making a big splash into the water.

They spent the whole afternoon swimming, before getting called back to the cabins to get ready for dinner.

After dinner, the campers sat around the campfire and roasted marshmallows. After making s'mores, they sang the song, this is our song, from camp rock 2.

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