Chapter 4 Mountain climbing

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Alright, campers. Today we will be rock climbing. But with a twist. We will not be climbing the wall, we'll be climbing a mountain. Counselor Kent and I will take you through the steps on how to climb. Counselor Lois Lane explained.

I for one have to decline this offer, once again. Climbing mountains can be scary and extremely dangerous. Brainy said. Says the guy who conquered the blob. Tommy said, as the campers giggled and laughed. Don't worry. We will show you what to do, and how you can be safe. Besides, this mountain is not big at all. It's small. Counselor Lois Lane assured. That's right. Now, everyone grab a harness, and a helmet and get yourself tacked up. Counselor Kent directed.

Here, let me help you with that. Barry approached Iris from behind, to assist her with her harness. When he was done, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

When the campers were done getting ready, they followed the counselors to the mountain. Alright, listen up. Counselor Lois and I will demonstrate how you should climb the mountain, then you and your partner will try it. But we'll be monitoring you guys. Counselor Kent informed them before demonstrating.

The first pair to go was Kate and Sophie, who made it up successfully. They made it look so easy. Roy said as he and Thea prepared to go up. Barry gave Iris's hand a gentle squeeze, before pulling her rope and hoisting her up.

Everyone made it up successfully. Except for Nate and Zari. Zari had slipped but luckily, Nate and the rope were there to recover her. Fine, I guess it wasn't that bad. Brainy said when they were removing their tack.

During dinner that afternoon, the campers talked about their day. Brainy, I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you climbed an actual mountain. Nia chortled in joy. Yeah, the dude's finally learning how to hang loose. Tommy teased, as he twisted his spaghetti on a fork.

For the remainder of the evening, they all joked around while they ate.

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