Chapter 6 volleyball

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I can't do it! Quavered Gary. He held onto the rope of the zip line. Come on, Gary. You can do it. I know you can. Mona encouraged him. He gulped before taking her hand. And in seconds, the two were zooming past trees. They finally made it to the other end where counselor Gideon and counselor Thawne unclipped them from the line. See, I knew you could do it. If I can jump off a giant blob and climb a mountain, then you can do this and partially other things. Brainy gave Gary a pat on his back, while they waited for the others.

Anyone wanna play volleyball? Tommy asked, showing his friends the ball. After choosing teams, the game had started. Diggle served the ball as it flew over the net. Tommy spiked it back, as it hit the ground. It was Barry's turn to serve. He served it as Roy hit it to Ronnie, who managed to hit it over the net and onto the ground. As the ball flew over the fence, on the next round, Sara had hit it to Iris, who hit it to Barry, and then to Rene who hit it over the fence and scored. They celebrated their victory as Iris jumped into Barry's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Barry held her and planted a kiss on her lips, while the others cheered.

They were soon called in for dinner, where they had fish and chips.

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