[4]-Hi, I'll be your guide, your G-U-I-D-E for the Tour.

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He just looked at me. I cleared my throat and looked around. 

"Glade's split into 4 sections. Gardens, Blood House, Homestead, Deadheads." Alby counted them off on his fingers. "Got it?"

After my initial shock that he seemed to be opening the floor up for questions, I took the offer. 

"Could you elaborate? Please?" I wanted to get as much information as possible during this Tour. This was my one time to get information, and I was not going to let it slip through my fingers.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but changed his mind.

"Gardens--" He pointed to the Northeast corner. "where we grow the crops. Water's pumped in through pipes in the ground. Never rains here. Ever. Blood House--" Alby pointed to the southeast corner, "where we raise and slaughter animals." He looked at the house I stayed in last night. "That's the-"

"Homestead. Builders keep adding on to it because they have to make it bigger. After all, you're getting more boys every month. It's terrible looking by the way." I finished for him. I knew that the comment was risky, but it tumbled out before I could stop it.

"Something we can agree on, Greenie." He nodded.

My body relaxed, and I fought the urge not to correct him. My name was Lauren. Why was that so hard to remember?

"Lastly, Deadheads." Alby indicated the forest. "Graveyard's in the way back, out in the thick woods."

I tried hard not to ask why they needed a graveyard. But then I remembered talking to Peter and learning that they had tried out stupid ways to leave the Glade. His comment still unsettled me.

Alby was still talking. "-hang out, don't matter. You'll spend the next two weeks every day working with each Keeper to figure out what job you're best at. Builder, Runner, Track-hoe, Slopper, something will stick, always does. Follow me."

He started walking towards a different Door than I went to with Newt, me right behind him. With a quick look at the sun, I deducted it was the South Door. On the way, I looked at an old barn surrounded by animals. A boy was standing in the middle of them, watching the two of us. He had an odd look about him like he knew more about the world and all of its workings than all of us combined.

"Back there's where the Slicers and Tenders work. You like blood, you can be a Slicer. You like animals, you can work with Abra."

"Is Abra ok?" The guy had not stopped watching us.

"He'd rather be with animals than humans. Never said a sentence we can understand since he's been here." Alby looked over at Abra. I waved, and he just looked away.

Alby went through the rest of the Tour, me asking small questions here and there. I absorbed all the information. For the most part, I thought I did an excellent job of acting like a model Glader. I guess tomorrow I would see if Alby thought so too.


Waking up early in the morning was not my favorite thing in the world, especially if Newt did it.

"Lauren, I swear on Frypan's bacon you are the worst morning person in the world. And I once had to wake up Gally." I knew Newt didn't like my antics.

"Newt, if you don't want to wake me up, you don't have to. You shouldn't do anything you don't want to do." I rolled over and took the blankets with me.

"Lauren, are you bleeding?"

That one sentence was enough to wake me up.

"Finch!" I got up, grabbed my backpack, and turned towards Newt. "Newt, you do not even breathe a word of this to the other Gladers." I ran out of the room and headed straight for the bathrooms, cursing myself the entire time.

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