Four; "Therapeutic entities."

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Girls office This morning. I was littered in scars. "Now Now, I've already healed the majority of your wounds; don't go making any more before you've had the chance to rest." Her voice was calm, yet held a hint of concern, and I wasn't suprised. Last night was a horror show. And that's not even considering what could happen tomorrow.

"You're lucky that blonde haired boy talked to Aizawa or you'd be in serious Trouble right now young lady- sneaking out like that!" She scalds me. I look down bashfully. Thinking over the given information reguarding The night before, I tried stringing together what must've happened.

The only logical explanation had to be the level of stress weighing down on me; and without a chance to move freely, it's impossible to hold it back. But my embarrassing ignorance was hardly the reason why my face tinted pink.

Whoever found my collapsed body got a full view; of me Naked.
Clothes don't just magically dissapear when you Shapeshift, they're destroyed.

Normally I'll keep a hoodie tied around my neck, but ever since I started this school my bodies gotten used to being forced into shapeshifting. It makes it almost impossible to Control the change, which is why its a terrible habit for werewolves to get into.

I shake myself from my thoughts "it wasn't like that! If I could've controlled it, I-I wouldn't have let myself-" "calm down now sweetheart. I'm not the one you should be explaining yourself to." She motions towards the door.

principal nezu Mr. aizawa- even all might; waltze in with slightly disapproving expressions. I felt my right ear twitch, and I immidiately start gnawing on my wrist, already covered in bandages. "Ksst! Bad Girl!" Recovery girl spritzes me with a water bottle? I narrowed my eyes, but wriggle my Hands in my lap, staring down apologetically.

"Otari avrie. You could be in serious trouble for that little stunt you pulled last night-" Mr. Aizawa starts, but principal nezu only extends his paw with gratitude. But why?

"But since you saved someone, We've decided to go lenient on you-" If I was even the slightest bit asleep I was wide awake now. I saved someone? What the actual fuck- "Woah woah woah. Back up just a moment there. I...saved someone???" The principal and all might exchange Weary glances.

"First of all that's not how the whole werewolf curse goes. When I can't shift for a long time- and aizawa wouldn't allow me to completely shift into the propper form to train, stating that I could seriously harm another student-"
"-actually that was my bad-" all might owns up to the situation in interjection. "I was the one who told him that...I just thought-"

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