Two; "hiding myself."

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Sore, my body seemed to have sank into the cushioned couch, as I slumped forward. I reached into my bag, pulling out my cigarettes.
Realising there were only two left, I mentally cursed myself. Shit.

Walking to school was pretty depressing today. It was dark and cloudy outside; it almost seemed as though night was approaching.

As I Swapped shirts once again, wearing the same jeans I throw my satchel over my shoulder with a sigh, after taking one last drag off my cigarette.

I was basically on autopilot all morning long. While waiting for class to start, I found myself instinctively journaling. My dreams and memories just kept bubbling around my mind. I was startled when I Felt someone's Prying gaze eagerly targeting me.

I tried to ignore him, but it was driving me crazy. Eventually I whirl my head to the side; annoyance Drenching my Face.
"Uhh, is there something on your mind dude? You've been staring at me like that for a while now-"

He blushes, scratching his head anxiously. "R-Really? S-Sorry! I was wondering about you... I-I mean not in a wrong way! N-No, it's just that, I thought I was the only one taking notes in this class, b-but, class hasn't even started yet-" His rambling was pretty funny. But the constant stuttering made it hard for me to Understand what the hell he was trying to say.

Eventually his words sank in. "Oh this? This is- Actually I just write for fun. My quirk sort of, comes with alot of Emotions that complicate my fighting style, so I write to keep from allowing my mind to resort to thinking about everything, ya know?"

He nods in understanding. "Oh, I get it-" he chuckles. "You must have some quirk." He teases. I felt a jolt of pain in my chest, his statement sort of felt like a knife to the heart, but I didn't really wanna reveal that.

"Y-Yeah." I stutter, before going back to journaling. A shadow Consumes my entire right page. With a huff I Turn to Find The boy extending his hand invitingly, "I'm Izuku midoriya, but mostly everybody calls me deku."
I sigh, and shake his hand. I flash a warm smile, and he does the same. "It's a pleasure I guess. you already know my name." He chuckles at that.

There was a brief silence between us, but before I could manage to squeeze a few more sentences into my journal; his Voice Interrupts me.

"So does your quirk like, have something to do with wolves or..." He trails off, readying his Journal in his hands. I sigh soon flashing a look of sheer sarcasm, "Nope. I'm quirkless. The ears and tail are for cosplay."

His face Scrunched up. I roll my eyes, giggling. "Yes genius, It's part of my quirk. I'm the wolf girl."

His eyes widen with shock, as if The beginning of a marathon had just started, his wrist jolts- scrambling around his little notebook. Like that I Do the same, but I found myself coming to a hault when my right ear Starts twitching.

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