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Rey's POV

I was on the Falcon along with Finn, Poe, Lando, Chewie, and well, pretty much the whole crew.  It was nice to be back with everyone in a familiar environment, even though we were all separating soon.  I walked all around the ship, remembering the crazy adventures we had and all the moments that I had spent here.  It felt so surreal that it all had come to an end.  I was glad, but I would strangely miss it.  I tried not to focus on the sadness, and instead looked forward to the new life I would have with Ben.  I smiled at the thought of that. 

After I had explored the majority of the ship, I sat at the back table to relax.  I turned on the Dejarik board and watched the characters.  No one was around me, but I could imagine the boys getting frustrated with Chewie's skill.  I switched the game off and saw Finn walking towards me.  I sat up straighter and crossed my arms.  He seemed pretty upset about this morning and we hadn't spoken since, so I was a bit worried as to what he had to say. 

Finn's POV

I took a seat across from Rey and placed my hands on the table.  We had gotten into plenty of fights before, but this was so different from anything that I didn't know how to react initially.  It took me a bit of time, but I had finally met up my mind. "I want to meet him," I looked directly at Rey. "What?" she asked, looking quite confused.  "Well first, let me ask even though I already know.  Do you love Ben?"  I looked at Rey.  This weighed on my mind all night and I knew it was true, I just had to hear it come from her to really believe it. "Yes, yes I do,"  the look of confusion had worn off of Rey's face as a quiet understanding replaced it.  She seemed shy after answering, not uncomfortable, but I'm sure I had caught her off guard a bit.  Before things got awkward, I carried on. "I want to meet Ben.  If you truly say that this man makes you happy and that you love him, well I feel that I should at least know the man.  I need to know if he is good enough for my best friend," I said this in a matter of fact, yet polite tone.  Rey looked taken aback and surprised.  I worried I had possibly offended her, but luckily Rey looked up at me and replied "Uhm, okay.  I'm at a loss of words to be quite honest with you-" she trailed off and thought for a moment.  "I thought you were angry or upset with me, I don't really understand-" she didn't finish her sentence.  She must have really been at a loss for words.  I nodded and spoke to her "Yes, I'll admit that I was upset with you after what you said last night because I knew it meant that you have deep feelings for him.  That you really love him.  I knew it would happen one day, but I just immediately thought of Kylo Ren stealing my best friend away from me.  But that's not the case like you said.  It's just a hard fact for me to accept, but I know that you will always decide what is best for you so I respect your choice.  But still, I feel that I need to see if this man is truly worth your time and attention." 

Rey looked a little shocked at what I had said, and honestly, I was a bit shocked at my own words.  I had never really been a very stubborn person, but I really feel that I do have the right to an opinion on this matter.  I am worried though that Rey may not take lightly to it, so I came off a bit harsh to get my point across.  I don't regret it, but I certainly don't like acting like that. 

After some consideration, Rey looked at me and replied "Okay.  You can meet him."  As she finished her words, Rey looked up at me with a smile, which caused a grin to appear on my face in parallel.  "Really?!" I asked; I was excited at this response, "Yes, really.  It's actually a good idea, to be honest.  I would like someone in the galaxy to know Ben as I know him and that person should be you." I nodded in response and once again smiled at her.  Rey stood up and opened her arms, inviting me in for a hug.  "Oh, I hate it when we fight," I said as I got to my feet.  Rey replied with "I know," and with those words, I smiled as I pulled my best friend in for a hug. 

A Reylo Ever After StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum