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Rey's POV

I woke up the next morning and began to pack.  I was heading to Tatooine to join Ben, where hopefully no one would find us and we could live in peace.  It was a hope that I was wary of, but Ben and I decided that this was probably our best bet.  Plus, who knows what to do after a war like this?  I feel like I haven't done much else in life, and being able to relax for once is really enticing.  So, with my mind made up I gathered all my belongings and prepared for leaving later today.  As I was collecting the last of my things, Finn walked in to say "Morning."  "Hello.  How are you?" I gave in response.  "I'm doing great.  Chewie said that we would be leaving in about an hour if that's alright," Finn smiled at me.  "Of course, that sounds great."  Finn remained quiet for a second and I continued to gather up my belongings.  Then Finn's demeanor changed and he awkwardly began with "Uhm, so...about last night. I have lots of questions..." he trailed off and looked at me expectantly.  

I knew that he would want to ask me a million things, that was unaviodable.  But I am glad that it came this morning rather than last night; I definitely needed time to settle my emotions.  I also knew this would be a hard conversation to have, but it needed to happen so I sucked up courage and told Finn "Rightfully so.  I will try to answer everything you ask, but please know that I myself may not know.  You know me better than most people and I want to share with you, but sometimes I feel so disconnected from my own emotions that I may not recognize them.  So go ahead and ask away."  I ended with a shaky breath and looked up at Finn.  He nodded in response and thought a quick second before looking at me and asking his first question. "How long do you think you have had a connection with him?" That was a good question.  I didn't know exactly so I said "I'm not sure.  I've felt something in the force for quite some time, even before I met Kylo Ren in person.  But when I first met him I knew that we had something tying us together, and Ben even admitted that to me at the time too."  "Wow," Finn started, "Okay, so he has told you directly that he also has feelings for you?"  I smiled "Yes.  Multiple times.  During the war, it was often more indirect than anything, but of course, with time came stronger emotions until we are where we are now, which I'm not sure where we are exactly."  "What do you mean that he told you indirectly he had feelings for you? And during the war? Did the two of you flirt in battle, like how is this possible?" Finn had become quite confused by what I had said and wanted clarity. I know where he was coming from, but still, it was funny to see him like this.  It made everything almost seem normal, in this strange relationship between me and Ben.  

I snickered and told Finn "Sorry, that didn't give any information really.  What I mean is, the first time we met, Ben told me that he felt our connection.  And that's before I could even say anything about it.  I was nervous and confused as to why I felt connected to this man that I had only heard about and Ben sensed my unease and told me he also felt our connection.  So we knew from the beginnings that there was something strange about our relationship.  And almost every time after, when we met face to face, I said something to him or he spoke to me about it.  I mean he asked me to join him and rule the galaxy on multiple occasions, and I wanted to, but I morally couldn't."  Finn was putting his thoughts together and cautiously spoke "So, it seems like the two of you have always had a connection and wanted to be on the same team throughout the war.  Is that a fair statement?"  "Yes, I think so," I replied.  "Do you think this is why the two of you never killed each other and saved one another?"  Without hesitation, I replied to Finn's question "Absolutely."

Finn nodded and looked pleased with our conversation.  By now I had finished packing and grabbed my bags ready to load up the ship.  He saw I was ready to go and stopped me with "Let me ask one final question. Did you kiss Kylo Ren?"  I stopped and looked directly at Finn.  I firmly, yet gently told him "No.  I kissed Ben Solo."  Finn smiled, nodded at me and left the room.  I have to admit, that was a strange reaction.  But I don't know that there is a proper reaction to telling your best friend that you are in love with Ben Solo.  I waited a minute then headed to the ship, bags in hand, prepared to head to Tatooine.  

Author's Note

Ugh, I'm sorry again, I had to split up this chapter.  There's just so much that I want to put in that really draws a complete picture of the story, but it just takes up so much space and time.  I am super excited about where this is going though, and I promise that what I got in store is worth the wait, cause sis.  OOF it's good.  So, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, even though there wasn't a lot of action.  Let me know what y'all think of Finn's reaction/questions! And are chapters like these annoying? Cause I could make one super long chapter so you don't feel scammed haha.  Let me know cause I am always willing and trying to improve and change! See you in the next one!!

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