Finishing up Business

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Rey's POV

My ship lowered down to Ajan Kloss, as I had finally found a clear spot for landing.  It looked like I was the last one to arrive, as so many ships were already here.  I surprisingly saw lots of people running about, which meant that there were survivors.  I landed and gathered my belongings to hop off and find my friends.  As soon as I jumped out of the X-Wing I saw tons of people smiling and hugging loved ones.  I started walking through the thick crowds, trying to find Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, and everyone else I knew.  As I was making my way through camp though, everyone turned towards me and seemingly thanked me.  It was strange, I understand that I had a part in this war, but so did everyone here.  I just did my duty as all others had.  It was nice to be acknowledged and not be the girl from nowhere, but it was certainly unexpected.  I carried on through the smiles, applause, and cheers, trying to find the ones I most cared for and after searching for ages I finally saw him.

Finn's POV

I ran towards Rey with Poe trailing quickly behind me and I wrapped Rey in a huge hug.  I then felt Poe's arms around us and I soon found tears pouring out of my eyes. It was so hard to believe that this war was really over and that I had ended up on this side, but here I am.  The three of us took a step back and smiled at one another.  "I can't believe it," Rey spoke first.  "I know.  I'm so glad we all made it through," I replied.  "Well I wouldn't say all, but I know what you mean," Rey said with a clear sadness in her voice.  The war had cost many lives, and I knew the loss of General Leia was weighing on her heavily.  I somehow always manage to ruin a happy moment.  Luckily Poe saved me by saying "It's hard.  It really is.  But the best we can do right now is to celebrate our victory by honoring those who gave their lives for the cause." Rey nodded and smiled in agreement and we all gave each other a quick hug once more before Poe went off to meet with others while Rey and I went to go find BB-8 and C-3PO.  

Rey's POV

The night was a blur, and it went by too fast.  There was lots of celebrating, tears, cheers, and remembrance at the bonfire.  It was sad, but it felt right to honor all the fallen heroes of the war.  After some time I felt uncomfortable with some cheers as people began to rejoice in the death of Kylo Ren, which I knew to be not 100% true.  I mean yes Kylo was dead, but not as the people here would think.  I was in my thoughts much of the night and desperately needed to talk to Finn.  Luckily he's never too far.  

I found Finn in his room and asked to speak with him.  Of course, he said yes and I sat down facing him.  I took a deep breath and prepared myself for this monumental moment.  What I was about to say could end our relationship and even give him a reason to kill me.  I don't believe he would do such a thing, but then again he was a Storm Trooper once in his life so who can predict how Finn would react?  

I carefully thought about and choose my words, starting with "There's something I have to tell you."  Finn looked concern and puzzled, but thankfully he replied with "Rey, you can tell me anything.  Please don't carry this burden alone."  I continued. "Ben Solo and I have had a connection, throughout the war.  It's more than just enemies, but a connection of our souls, through the force." Finn looked confused but nodded for me to continue.  I told Finn about my force connections with Ben, every single one of them.  I told Finn how Ben would listen and console me while training with Luke.  I told him the truth about the Red Room, and how I truly did want to join Ben.  I told him about our dyad.  I told him about Kef Bir.  About how I killed Kylo Ren but saved him by using my own life force because I couldn't go on without Ben in my life.  I told him about Exogal and how Ben saved my life by giving me some of his own life force.  I was finishing up with "As I felt my soul return to my body I looked into his eyes and just knew it.  Everything that had happened was for a reason, it wasn't because of the war.  No one could have predicted what a connection we would have and how we would be together.  As much as people claimed to have created or influenced our connection, the truth is, it was only us.  No one else created what we have.  And then we-"

Finn's POV

"Wait a second.  Don't tell me that you--with him?  Are you serious?  Rey, did you actually?" I couldn't manage to get the words out of my mouth, but I knew what had happened.  I stormed out of the room, so conflicted.  All of my emotions were whirling about in a torment of confusion. The worst part was that I knew it was entirely true.  Rey has had these emotions for him for so long, but I should hate him.  He killed countless people.  He once controlled me.  He tried to rule the galaxy.  He had ultimate power, but he gave it up for her.  It just doesn't make sense.  He was a ruthless killer that also saved my best friend.  And my best friend had saved him.  Why?  

What Rey had told me about Exogal and Kef Bir was shocking.  I thought that when Rey had the chance to kill Kylo, she would do so without hesitation.  But I guess I really don't know her.  After what she said though, I can better understand why she did what she did and the way she feels.  The two have been through so much together and in a way, were fighting this war on the same side, at least they were on the same team. He did do a lot for her and it really created a new persona for him which paints him in a good light, as in he seems to have a decent soul.  It was just so hard to believe that the man who could kill innocents and hunt down Rey for years, would also be the man who would come to her rescue on countless occasions.  He was better than what most people believed.  He helped us win the war.  

I walked back into the room and saw Rey deep in thought.  I spoke to her "Just tell me one thing, honestly.  Do you love him?"  Rey nodded her head in agreement, still looking at the floor.  I kneeled down to her level and lifted her face to meet mine.  Her eyes were filled with tears that she was holding back.  I thought to myself 'Wow.  She must have been holding onto this forever.'  It was terrible to see her in so much pain.  "Okay," I said calmingly. "What?" she asked.  "Okay.  If that's how you feel, that's how you feel.  I'm glad you told me so much, and I must say I think Ben is a better person now because of you."  Rey smiled and a single tear rolled down her face.  I hugged her and I quickly felt more of her tears rolling down my shoulder.  This weight had finally been lifted off of her.  I had many questions running through my mind, but I decided to get some answers tomorrow.  It had been a long day after all, and an emotional one especially for Rey.  A secret of the galaxy had finally been released, and with it came a great weight off of Rey's shoulders. 

Author's Note 

Howdy! Hope y'all liked this one.  It was a bit longer than expected and it still didn't end where I wanted it too, but I've decided to make another chapter for that.  I promise it'll get back to Ben soon, but I feel like Rey and Finn have such a great relationship and Finn accepting Ben as Rey's lover is super important.  So I'll be focusing on that for a quick minute.  Hope you enjoyed, and see you soon!!

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