A smile appear on her face when she saw, i also smile when i saw her it's look like she already know what i want, we greed each other and i ask her about her new flower and specially this purple Rose

Dark Night:" this Purple Rose look wondeful, i never sen this kind of rose before"

Old Lady:" i knew you're gonna choose this one, do you know The rose is a thousand-year-old flower most used in the West and which still fascinates as much. This flower is as important as the lotus in Asia and the narcissus in Greece. 

 It symbolizes the love of the gift and the fragility of life. Giving a rose expresses all the nuances of the feeling of love:"

Dark Night:" expresses all the nuances of the feeling of love ?, who's that "

Old Lady:" well let's see if my memories doesn't fail me, i think that:

The blue rose: symbol of the impossible.The white rose: purity.The red rose: passion, blood and wound.The pink rose: sincere love.The yellow rose: infidelity or love of which one doubts.The purple rose: crazy love.The dark pink rose: sadness, sorrow.

Dark Night:" wow didn't know about all of this, impressive"

Old Lady: " indeed, there also a myths about the rose, the're legion, the most known legend tells that it is by bringing nectar or if you prefer knowing as the drink of the gods,  to the deities that Cupid, son of Venus the Roman goddess of Love,  overturned a little. The first rose would have grown there"

Dark Night:" amazing, you know more about Roses and flowers more than anyone on this planet"

Old Lady:" well, when you past most 75 years of your live with flowers and nature, they don't have any secret to hide"

Dark Night:" * smile* the nature still have alot secret to discover"

Old Lady:" you right, there still a lot to discover"

She's right, there's still a lot to discover on this planet, not just the nature we can discover, i discover a lot thing over my 105 years, about this planet, about the live on it, about emotion and feeling that i never wanted to know, but now i regret for not enjoying thoses feeling and emotions in the begining i could see the world in diffrent way,

I ask the old lady a bouquet of Purple Roses and Pink ones too, just like his Amethyst fur and his Spinel eyes, they're exactlywhat i'm feeling now for him, i may not gonna tell him my real indentity now but i'm sure that i'm gonna confess to himand tonight id the golden moon night wouldn't be perfect moment to make it special.

The bouquet is ready, now all i need is to find him, he's problably at the restaurent by now guess i've to wait i saw Chaos and Flash coming toward me while Lumos stay with Rouge, i wonder what they're talking about?

Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:

Once Shadow came out from this work shop the kids join him, i call Lumos because i want to talk to him about Flash

Lumos:" yes?, how can i help you ? *  witout any expression on his face*"

White Agate:" i would like talk to you on private, let's sit here *point at the edge of the fountain*"

He shrug his shoulders and go with me to the fountain still with his face with no expression, even with that face i still can see he sadness on his eyes, i have to have to help him, i know what's this feeling, and don't want him to feel that, it's too painful and specially for a kid

Lumos:" so what do you want? *say it with a cold tone*"

White Agate:" listen, i've notice something at the feast last week, and uuuh"

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