Chapter 29 ~ Unexpected Addition

Start from the beginning

Understanding began to flow through me. Everything Emily was saying made sense, and it was certainly possible that I was pregnant given the time period she had mentioned. Thousands of thoughts were going through my head, What would I tell Pitch? How can I handle being a mother and a Guardian? Would I even be a good mom? I was hardly a step mother. Doubt and unease filled my head, yet, in my heart I could feel warmth spreading throughout me. Perhaps I had subconsciously longed for a child, and until now never considered it to be a possibility. Pitch had seemed so sure that he could not father children as a Guardian, which upon reflection, he did seem sad about. However, at the time of my realization, that thought escaped my mind entirely. If Emily was sure I was pregnant, then I trusted what she was saying. And despite my concerns, I felt a contentment inside myself. It would be hard, but I was beginning to feel excited about having this baby. I only hoped Pitch would feel the same.

Hours later, I waited for my husband to arrive home after delivering his nightmares to the children around the world. He had developed a system almost like Sandy's, and instead of personally visiting each child, he could send tendrils of his nightmare sand to the children who needed a good fright. It was very efficient and allowed him to return to me much sooner than he could in the past.

Standing in our throne room, I shivered in the cool night air, pulling my sheer silver robe tighter around me. Nervousness caused me to pace back and forth as I waited for Pitch to arrive. Soon, the sound of thundering footsteps echoed through the chamber, and my husband's familiar steed appeared from the corner of the room. Onyx slowed down as she saw me, the mare tossing her head happily in greeting while my husband flashed a brilliant grin from atop her back. I smiled back at him, instantly feeling better about everything, and I approached the horse slowly. As Pitch dismounted, I stroked Onyx's head slowly. She pressed her nose to my stomach and flicked her ears, whinnying loudly in the otherwise silent room. With a start I realized this was something she had just started to do recently, and I understood that she must've known of my condition before I did.

The torch light flickered over my husband's face as he stepped around Onyx. "Hello love, what are you doing in here, in the cold instead of in bed?" Pitch whispered as he approached, resting a hand on my neck lightly. He leaned in to kiss me softly, an action I returned with just as much care. Perhaps my husband could sense my stress, and when he pulled away he frowned worriedly. "Something is wrong. I can tell. Whatever is the matter?" Pitch inquired curiously. I couldn't help myself.

Tears came to my eyes, beginning to spill as the exhaustion of containing my discovery crashed over me. "I-I'm with c-child, P-pitch." I whimpered, practically collapsing in his arms. I heard the breath hitch in his chest. "H-how did this happen? I did not think it was possible, at least, not for me." Pitch muttered, eyes wide with surprise. I shrugged and shook my head, breathing deeply to try and stop my crying. I didn't even know why I was crying. "I don't know Pitch. I didn't think it was possible either. I didn't even know until today. Emily was the one who told me. She could sense our child already..." I explained through the cracking of my voice.

Pitch was silent for a long time, his fingers rubbing my back in small soothing motions as he hugged me against his chest. I managed to quiet myself, fingers tightening in his robe as I clung to him. When he finally spoke, he asked a question that took me off guard. "Do you wish to keep the child?" His voice was calm and soft. I looked up at him incredulously. "Of course I do, my love." I answered truthfully. "Well then, why are you so distraught, my Queen?" He murmured, brushing my hair away from my face and making me look up at him. I sighed, "I guess..I thought you would not want another child, since you have Emily already." Pitch hugged me closer, pressing a small kiss on my forehead. "Anara, if you do not think I would wish to create a family with you, you are mistaken. This news makes me happier than you could long as it makes you happy too." He whispered. Hearing his words, I hugged him close, relaxing in my husband's arms.

A Shadow's Kiss ~ A Pitch Black/Rise of the Guardians FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now