"We needed to sober up." Alina scratched the back of her neck sheepishly, pointing to an empty bottle of red wine. "I put the coffee on."

"So, the two of you are getting along?" Narissa raised a curious eyebrow.

Alina smiled before whispering in her friend's ear. "I've had years of experience with baby monsters, remember? Sometimes, they need a bit of mothering. We had some interesting discussions. Her intelligence and humour are quite astounding despite her unfortunate upbringing."

"I see."

A dark-haired woman emerged from the hut carrying two clay mugs as if on cue. "I couldn't help but overhear. Did one of Adam's monsters hurt someone?"

"We have the situation under control, Twila," Narissa said confidently. "Do not worry."

"I can help." She replied. "I have rudimentary spell training." She paused, frowning. "But I was never asked to heal anyone. It wasn't a mission priority."

"The Coven are healing experts." Alina ensured, patting Twila's shoulder. "For now, it's best to conserve your strength."

"But I feel fine, better than fine." She shrugged her shoulders. "That stone coffin, what did it do?"

 "We will discuss that later," Alina chuckled with nervousness. "It's a bit of a trade secret."

"Twila, you need to stay hidden." Narissa asserted gently. 

"But why?" She questioned. "Do you think Samael would hurt me? I wouldn't blame him, I am a trained killer--"

"--Sometimes, the path of least resistance is the right path," Narissa interjected. "Currently, you and Alina do not exist for different reasons. To the rest of the world, you are ghosts." She beckoned Twila to a wooden bench next to the fire. "But don't worry, we have a reintegration plan. We will return you to the land of the living soon."

"Yes." Twila nodded. "I need to protect the children."

Narissa and Alina exchanged unsettled glances.

Who were these children? Why was Twila so hellbent on saving them?


Jennifer jerked awake as if doused in ice water. Flashes flickered before her eyes like shards of light refracted from a broken mirror. She felt a strange disconnect from her body as her consciousness drifted like an ethereal angel. Only Jen wasn't floating to the heavens but sinking into a bottomless abyss.

"Somebody HELP!!!!" She cried, fighting desperately to move. Yet, her arms and legs refused to respond. "What the fuck is happening to me!!!"

"Be calm, Jennifer." 

 A soft male voice echoed within the enveloping darkness. 

"You are safe; I am guiding you."

"Where am I?"

"In-between this world and the next. Don't be afraid."

"Can you get me outta here?" Jen questioned feverishly. "I want to go home!"

"Do not worry. I won't let you die." He answered. "I have other plans."

"Die? Wait!? Where's Lily?" She called out fervently. "LIIILLLLY!!!!"

"Hang on, Jen!!" Lily's voice brushed her consciousness, "We're coming to get you!"

Wherever she was, she sounded so far away, so out of reach.

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