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David cracked open his bruised and swollen eyes. He was immediately overcome by searing bolts of pain, hammering into his skull like an axe blade. He had a severe concussion and desperately needed a hospital. David knew he probably wouldn't survive this if help didn't arrive soon. Disorientation worsened by the minute as he bled steadily, marring the pristine snow with a horrifying crimson stain.

Like a marionette suspended from strings, David hung limply, his arms hastily tied behind his back to the steel bars of a fire escape. His flayed shoulders were lank and numb. He felt disconnected from his own body.

"She isn't coming...." He slowly lifted his bruised face to Owen, speaking with a barely audible whisper. "How could she even know...?"

"Lily will know." Owen raised his chin haughtily. "She always comes to the aid of the people she loves. She's so predictable."

"No... leave her alone." David pleaded. "Whatever she did, it isn't worth this."

David closed his eyes.

"Don't die on me yet!!! I need you to hang on a tad longer. WAKE UP!" Owen slapped David's face, causing a crack of white-hot pain to sear into his brain. Unable to make sense of the mottled swirl of strange colours and nightmarish monsters, he felt his life ebb away into welcoming nothingness.

"LILY!!!!!" Owen shouted boldly to the heavens. "YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!"

Suddenly, in the distant blackness, two points of red illuminated the skyline. They grew closer and closer with each passing second. A dark, ominous shadow soon obliterated the moon, and with a rush of cold wind, two raven wings pulled back from burning eyes. The zombie didn't see his attacker until it was much too late.

"OWEN!!!!!!!" A demonic voice boomed, its echo rattling nearby windows. With a spray of sparks and a flash of claws, Sam flew into Owen, impaling his eyes. The zombie screamed as he was unceremoniously smashed into a brick wall.

Falling into the snow like a badly broken doll, the zombie was reduced to a shattered pile of blood, entrails and bone. 

 The winged demon landed with a soundless grace, releasing a brief bark of laughter.

"That must've hurt, eh? I take deep pleasure in your pain."

"Well, hello there, Samael." Owen acknowledged, flexing his fingers back into their sockets. "I wasn't sure if you'd show up or not."

The zombie began to repair itself with a macabre slowness. Starting with its twisted neck, Owen wrenched his tendons like elastic sinew, rewinding them into place. His crushed abdomen reflated, pulling its ribs back inside of its feeble and battered chest. Broken limbs realigned themselves with a sickening snap-hiss.

The smell of disease and death wafted in the winter breeze. Sam wrinkled his nose at the sight of him, disgusting as always. Yet, Owen was different, not Adam's typical dried-out corpse, but full of fresh blood and putrid flesh.

"I hate to tell you this, but you're wasting your time. Lily isn't coming."

"Poor Sam, are you still trying to protect her? She belongs to the master. How long will you keep up this charade, living in a hell of your own making?"

"The human experiment doesn't include Lily's enslavement. Not on my watch. I gotta believe that the creator wanted something better than this. Something better than Adam's world of hate. I'd rather be a demon than an angel blindly following orders."

"You are divine, and you don't belong here. The time of angels and redemption has long passed." Owen whispered menacingly. "Do the world a favour, kill yourself and go home. I'm sure they will greet you with open arms as the angel you once were."

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