Location B

36 0 0

Two days later.

"Hello, Miss. " A man inquired at the nurse's station.

"It's Ms.," The nurse practitioner answered dryly, pushing her heavy glasses up her nose. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to pick up Lily Foster," He smiled disarmingly. "Is she dressed?"

"Oh?" The nurse furrowed her brows in puzzlement. "Lily Foster didn't have anyone listed as emergency contacts, not even family."

"Well, that's entirely untrue. I'm Lily's uncle." The man replied. "I have the forms right here. My name is Owen Redding, and I'm her medical power of attorney. Lily and I are incredibly close; we've had a long history together."

"Funny, she didn't mention you." She raised a bemused eyebrow. "And I was her nurse."

"I heard the poor girl suffers from amnesia; perhaps she doesn't remember me?" The man spoke with increased urgency. "Can I at least talk to her? You've seen her condition; she shouldn't be alone now."

"Well, sir." The nurse looked over the paperwork skeptically. "She's been discharged early. It was less than 10 minutes ago. If you hurry, you might catch up to her; she's hailing a taxi..."

The smile instantly slid off the man's face, and he immediately rushed for the elevator, shoving staff and patients out of his way.

"HEY! Who was that asshole!?" A security guard shouted, approaching the nurse's station. "Was he giving you trouble!?"

"He said his name was Owen Redding." The nurse reached for the forms on her desk. "He was searching for a girl in room 14A. It was bizarre; I'm sure she didn't have any family, let alone a mystery uncle."

"What does the paperwork say?" The guard questioned. "Was it filled out at this hospital?"

The nurse carefully scrutinized the pages.

"What the actual--!!" She gasped in surprise as the pages spontaneously combusted into flame."--Is this some kind of sick joke!?"

The security guard immediately spoke into his com.

"I've got a man in the central elevator headed down to the main lobby; I want you to apprehend him. He's six foot three, has pale blonde hair, and wearing a dark grey suit jacket. Hold him for questioning."

"Affirmative." The security office answered.

"Be careful; there's something weird about this guy. I'm getting a bad feeling..."


The head of security waited in the lobby watching the buttons illuminate as the elevator plodded its way downward. He nodded to the other guards standing next to him.

"Get ready-" He cautioned. "He should be on this one."

"Main Level, General admittance." A computerized voice announced.

With a ring of chimes, the doors slid open--revealing nothing.

"He's not here." He spoke into his com. "Any sign of him on the other levels?"

"No, sir. Nothing." A subordinate answered. "Nothing is showing up on the CCTV cameras, either."

"That's impossible. A person couldn't just disappear into thin air!"

Suddenly, heavy steel doors flew open across the lobby, startling the patients in the waiting room.

"What the hell was that?" A security guard questioned in confusion. "The wind?"

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