First Skip

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"Dick, where's dad?"

The teen looks up from where he's laying on his stomach on his bed. The hand holding the pencil stills on the page, and he gives his sister his most unamused expression. Which is his everyday expression, if you ask her.

"I don't know who you're talking to," he deadpans, before going back to his drawing. The girl on the threshold groans, dramatically throwing her head forward and making her blonde hair go haywire in the process.

"Richard," she corrects, like the name is being ripped out of her very being, "where's dad?"

Her brother gives her a satisfied hum. "I don't want to be part of this."

That, in fact, is not the answer she's looking for.

"And I don't wanna tell him about Standford, but I guess sometimes you just don't get what you want"


She smiles, all teeth and fake innocence. "Thank you, dicky-boy"

She's out before the pillow Richard throws at her can hit her face. Ah, Richard and his sensitivities. If all goes well today, it's safe to say today is a good day.

If all goes well.

The mansion is quiet as she goes through the halls, her steps purposeful and light. Finally, finally she won their little game. How they thought she wouldn't get to them she has no idea. She's the queen of games, but pops has a big ass ego, so he might've forgotten.

She'll remind him.

She looks around when she gets to the room. She's not afraid, she's only taking precautions. Waynes never fear, they only take precautions. Slowly, she turns the doorknob to the piano room.

"What are you doing here, little miss?"

If she jumped, is no one's business but her own.

"Alfy!" She shouts-whispers, a hand on her chest and an accusatory glance at the man. "Do you wanna kill me?"

The older man simply sits on the bench, like he didn't almost give her a heart attack. He weaves his fingers together. He's sitting in front of the piano.

"They didn't," she gapes, not believing her eyes. They wouldn't stoop so low as to...

"Alfy, they made you the last obstacle! That's so not fair!"

"Contrary to your beliefs, little miss, this is not a game. They simply knew you would try to...interrupt, and asked me to take guard"

"Like a dog, Alfy. They made you take guard like a dog"

That takes the man by surprise, and his eyes widen a fraction before he schools his expression.

"I am no dog, miss Harley"

Ha, got him.

"Then move out of the way"

They stare each other down, unblinkingly, for at least thirty seconds. Then Alfred sighs, and stands up.

"I still mean it when I say that they do not see it as a game," he says, still opening up the way for her. She fist bumps the air with a yes! before trying to calm down and going over to Alfred.

"Maybe dad doesn't," she tells him, both of them wearing matching smiles.

"He does not," the tug at his lip doesn't waver.

They stay like that for a moment before Harley clears her throat and presses three piano keys.

The bookcase promptly opens, and she can't help but smile again.

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