There was no denying it, he was still in love with her. 

Judar yanked his hand away from his face, his eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched. He needed to get his thoughts away from her. He needed things to go back to the way they were before he met Ruhya, back to the time when war and destruction filled his days. Back to the time before he gave his heart away, back to a time when he didn't feel the sting of heartbreak.

Judar clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to replace all the sadness he felt. But with what? 

Anger? Restlessness? Spite?

No, he would replace the heartache and sadness with power. He would replace it with the feeling of beating down opponents, the rush of adrenaline when he let his magic power seep out of his pores and rain destruction down on those who oppose him.

A predatory grin spread over Judar's face. Yes, this is who he was; a powerful Magi that spread fear and destruction with his very presence, not some heartbroken weakling that pined after a woman.

"Now, where did that Stupid King run off to?" Judar asked himself sinisterly, his feet leading him to the flying carpet stored in his room.


"Peli! Peli!" Ruhya shouted into the dim hallway. She let out a sigh as the blonde finally came into view. He hurried over to the door and quickly scooted Ruhya back into the room, closing the door firmly behind him.

"Ruhya, what did I tell you? Stay inside, why won't you listen to me?" Peli snapped as he grabbed Ruhya by the upper arms.

"Ow, you're hurting me!" Ruhya shouted as she pulled away, "I just wanted someone to talk to. I'm lonely in here, I want to go outside."

Peli sighed deeply and rubbed his face with both hands. He turned from Ruhya and groaned before quickly spinning back around. Any annoyance he had was gone from his face, instead his lips stretched into a pleasant smile.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, but you really need to listen to me. You can't go outside, it's dangerous. I don't know what I would do if someone were to snatch you away. You belong here with me." Peli said apologetically. 

"I don't belong anywhere, and I don't belong to you. You can't stop me from going out." Ruhya snapped as she backed away from Peli. All her pent up emotions from being locked up were coming out.

"Ruhya, you're misunderstanding-"

"Judar never treated me like this!" Ruhya shouted impulsively. She gasped and covered her mouth, surprised by her own words. Peli glared at her, clenching his firsts.

"Do not compare me to him. I'm nothing like him. He let you be taken, he let you get hurt, he hurt you himself! I won't ever let another man touch you, I won't let you be hurt!" Peli exclaimed as he grabbed Ruhya again.


"Choose me! Forget about him! Why won't you just choose me? I love you, I'm your sun and you're my moon." Peli cried out as he cupped Ruhya's face, a touch of desperation in his voice. His fingers traced the curve of her cheek down to her jaw and then chin. Ruhya's breath hitched in her throat as Peli raised her face and leaned down.

His lips brushed hers with the touch of a feather, not quite fully connecting.

"No!" Ruhya shouted as she pushed Peli back. She looked at him with horror as The Fear burst from its cage and gripped her body.


"Get away from me!" Ruhya blubbered out as tears filled her eyes. She crawled onto the bed and grabbed a pillow to shield herself.

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