1.1|| The audition

Comincia dall'inizio

30 minutes later...

Jess was sitting in the waiting room for someone to call her name. She already knew her lines so she didn't need her script, but she kept the script with her and notes that she wrote down about the scene.

"Jessica Rose?" A lady called from the doorway of a room.

Jess stood up and walked into the room and there were 4 people sitting at a table, they gestured towards the red x on the floor and she stood on it.

"Hi jess, so we are going to start the audition recording so let's start by asking you some questions." jess nodded as an agreement
"How old are you?" the lady asked her

"17," she said in a positive mood.

"Do you do anything specific as a job?"

"Yes i do, i'm a YouTuber, and i work at a coffee shop, but only in the summer."

"how many subscribers do you have?"

"1.5 million." the lady's eyebrows shot up

"yeah it's crazy." jess giggled

"Do you play any instruments?" the lady asked

"I play the piano and guitar, i also sing." All 4 of the people just nodded and took notes, and the lady continued talking.

"okay, why do you think you should get the part?"

"i think it would be a different experience for me to be in a show that's based off of my favorite movies i watched growing up, i also think that just creating a second family that i can count on would be great," she said with a smile and the others continued to write stuff down which made jess get a little stressed.

"let's start with the audition." she clapped "do you know the lines?" the lady asked in a serious tone.

"yes i know the lines," jess said softy trying to calm herself down.

"sam please talk to me." one of the men read off of his script

"just stop. Ricky i don't need you right now, all you're doing is hurting me." she moved her hands down and hit her thighs to sound like she was mad and give it more emotion

"you have been acting so weird. Do you hate me or something?"

"NO RICKY I DON'T HATE YOU! I LOVE YOU AND IT HURTS ME!" she yelled and a tear came down her face


"save it, Ricky, i need to be alone right now" she walked away but came back to the red x after the scene was over.

"that was really good Jess." she looked down at her paper "so now we need you to sing 32 bars of any song for us."

Jess started singing 'Painkiller by Ruel'. After she sang all 4 of the people looked surprised and clapped for her. Meanwhile, Jess was scared that they didn't like her singing, and she smiled when she noticed they enjoyed it.

"okay, john you can turn the camera off now." the man behind the camera turned it off and the lady continued with jess. "Is it ok if we ask you some personal questions, you can answer only if you want."

"Yes, that's fine." Jess started messing with her fingers as she was still nervous being around these people.

"What's home life like, is it easy to get here?" that's the one question Jess didn't want to be asked

"Um, it's just my mom, brother, and me. And yes, i live close to here." she was wishing they weren't going to ask about her dad but she knew they were. "and your dad?"

"he's not in my life." jess slightly smiled towards the lady to let her know she could talk about it but it did hit close to home

"oh i'm sorry." the lady's face fell into a sad look "how is the rest of the family?"

"My brother is sick and we don't know what it is so we usually have to move four or five times a year but we're staying in Utah because they have the best medicine... um my mom and i have a close relationship, same with my brother he's only four, so it's stressful a little to understand what he needs." she laughed
"sorry i think i said too much." she started messing with her hands

"no we want to know these things, thank you. What about school it would be hard to move schools that many times in a year?"

"Yes, i am homeschooled, i do it online." Jess was lucky that she did online because she didn't know how she would react with being at a public school with acting all the time

"oh ok. Well thank you, Jess, you will get an email if you get a callback," she said with a smile

"thank you."

When Jess exited the room and noticed she took longer than any other person there hopefully that was a good thing. Some girls looked at her and she just continued to leave the building. Jess got in her car and turned on her camera.

"guys that was so stressful but i think i did good i felt good about it, now i'm gonna go get coffee and wait for an email." she sighed "okay bye roses!" She shut her camera off and laid back in her seat "gosh please let me get this part." she whispered to herself.

author's note

this is my first chapter!! I hope you enjoy it!!

- i'm going through and editing this and i'm so sorry this was such a weird chapter because i never really knew how to write but it gets better i promise. :)

- back again to edit bc i changed some writing bc people were pointing stuff out that needed major fix

✓ Lover Boy || Joshua Bassett Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora