Daire's Tired of Saving Jackass' Ass

Depuis le début

Finally, the two managed to find Isaac and Scott pulled out the syringe and Ketamine from his pocket.

"Why me?" Isaac asked watching Daire warily as he took the device from Scott.

"Because I got to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan. Daire will stay here and help but look," Scott pointed to the syringe, "you better do it intravenously which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here."

Daire placed what she hoped to be a comforting hand on Isaac's upper arm, "The neck will probably be the easiest". 

Scott nodded with a small sly smile on his face at Daire, "So you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on the trigger," he explained, "Be careful."

"I doubt I'll even slightly hurt him," Isaac scoffed.

"No I mean you," Isaac looked up at Scott in shock, "I don't want you to get hurt". 

Isaac was still a little dumbstruck after Scott walked away. Daire figured that Isaac didn't think that people could care about him since his father obviously hadn't.  

Slowly she took his hand and gave it a little tug, "despite them being idiotic losers we've got some amazing friends, don't we?"

Isaac's hand was slack in her grip and he wouldn't look her in the eye, "you mean you've got amazing friends - they're not mine". 

Daire squeezed his hand hard and he looked at her, "They can be if you want them to." 

Isaac didn't say a word and tucked the syringe and vial into his pocket with his right hand, never letting go of Daire's.

With a smile on her face at her small victory, Daire led them into the sea of people in search of the Jackass. 


Isaac and Daire had met up with Erica within the crowd and devised a plan to subdue Jackass. If she was being honest, the plan that Erica had devised was one that could work but it definitely didn't make Daire feel comfortable- but sacrifices had to be made right?

It wasn't long before the three spotted Jackson, he was making his way through the crowd and had multiple men and women dancing around him and on him. Erica had made her way to him first, joining in on the dancing and grinding herself on top of him. Isaac let go of Daire's hand and joined them, Erica switching from kissing Jackson to kissing Isaac. Daire knawed on her lip at the scene, she was still unsure of Isaac's feelings and gods know she didn't want to force him into anything - but that didn't mean she had to watch werewolf Barbie grind on him and kiss him - and enjoy it. 

As Jackson was distracted Daire waited for her turn, suddenly she caught Isaac's eyes and he lifted up the back of his shirt, exposing the syringe. Daire weaved her way towards them, letting her body move to the music. Slowly, she pulled the syringe out of Isaac's back pocket and danced her way closer to Jackson. Daire had the syringe only inches away from the Jackass's neck.

"He belongs to me,"

Jackson dug his claws into Erica and Isaac. They both cried out and fell to the floor, suddenly Jackson turned around to face Daire. His face had turned menacing as he held his claws out, dripping with venom. Daire kept the syringe in her fist and prepared herself to fight. However, she underestimated how fast Jackass was, his claws making contact with her cheek before she could even block it. Next thing she knew she was on the floor with the syringe a few feet away from her.  

Daire quickly ignored the pain throbbing from her cheek and back and scrambled to get the syringe. Isaac and Erica were still on the ground hissing in pain and immobile. Daire's fingers grasped the cold metal of the syringe and she launched herself at Jackson, hitting a pressure point in the crook of his neck. As his body began to slump she tilted his head and injected the syringe. She let his body collapse onto the dance floor, no longer caring. Daire rolled her right shoulder back and hunched down at Jackson's collapsed figure.

"You so totally owe me for saving your ass," she muttered before standing again. The venom must've not been as strong because Erica and Isaac now stood before her, their expressions were of pure shock.

Daire just shrugged, "what? I'm getting tired of saving this jackass," and picked up one of his legs to drag him away.

Yeah, he was totally gonna owe her one.


Another update!! I'm gonna try to get as many of these done over break as I can so keep a lookout for new chapters! I'm so happy that you guys are liking the last chapter I posted and I hope that you all will enjoy this one as well! Things are about to get super crazy for Daire and I can't wait to read your guys' reactions! As always please don't be a silent reader, I love reading your comments and it makes me want to write more so the more you comment the faster I'll post! As always I'll leave you guys with a couple of questions, do you think Daire and Allison will be able to reconcile or do you think that their family will tear them apart? Does Isaac truly like Daire and will he confess or is he too scared to? And finally, do you think Jackass will pay Daire back for saving his ass?

YOSH until next time!


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