Chapter 11: Another Beastmaster.

Start from the beginning

"Hm probably should've thought of that before letting those assassins in Beacon huh?" Ashley raised a brow.

Ashley suddenly turned around but before she could fire she was tackled and pinned to the ground and Anne had her dagger up to her throat.

"If I was truly guilty of those crimes I would've killed you the moment you entered the warehouse." She said. "Please... you have to believe me."

Anne then moved the dagger away from Ashley leaving her unsure what to think.

Suddenly one of the troodons lept our and big Anne in the arm bypassing her aura and injecting her with its tranquilizing venom. Anne quickly fell to the floor unconscious. The troodons then moved in for the kill.

"Diana stand down!" Ashley ordered her.

The Diana then backed off and stood at guard just in case. Soon after Susie the other troodon showed up next to her.

Ashley stood there for a moment contemplating what Anne said. She then took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed her hands behind her back (don't get any ideas ya pervs. T_T) and then she contacted Ozpin on her scroll.

"Ozpin I subdued Anne and I have her in custody I'm bringing her over to the police station now."

"Thank you Ms Dunes I shall meet you there as soon as I am able too." He replied.

"I just have one question though." She said with a serious face.

"And what is that?" Ozpin raised a brow.

"Where is the police station at?" She asked.

Ozpin went silent for a moment before giving her directions to the station.

"Thanks Ozpin I'll be right there." She said as she hung up.

Before she picked up Anne she saw a peculiar thing It was a featherlight, but it wasn't natural colors like brown or tan, no its body and head were grey and yellow while it's wings were white.

The Featherlight then flew off into the night.

Ashley hasn't been here that long but she knew damn well that Featherlights weren't native to Remnant.

*Vale Police Station 9:30 pm.*

Ashley was leaning against the wall watching the detectives trying to interrogate Anne but she refused to even so much as look at them.

She heard the door open and turned to see Ozpin and Glynda walking in.

"How is she?" Ozpin asked.

"She woke up couple minutes ago, but she's being a bit of a cunt as of now." Ashley told them.

"Anne always was stubborn." Glynda said shaking her head.

"Mhm." Ashley simply nodded.

"Is something wrong Ms. Dunes?" Ozpin said noticing Ashley was spacing out.

"Hm, oh nothing I was just....thinking." She said.

Ozpin simply nodded. "You should return to Beacon with Glynda Ms Xiao Long just woke up and is resting in the infirmary, do not worry about Ms. Greene, I shall take it from here."

Ashley just nodded and followed Glynda out.

"Ms Dunes after you left I caught your friend Katie trying to EAT a kitchen knife."

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