The wait

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Minutes turned into hours which turned into days which turned into weeks. I wait. I waited until I'd listen to every song on the radio and then I listened to every song that I could find on YouTube. But there was this one song that seemed to describe my feelings.

After 2 weeks I got impatient and decided that I should give up on my dreams. My friends hadn't been talking to me because when we did talk I just complained about waiting. I seriously could not lift the weight. (Get what I did there. Haha. I'm puny. Oh. I'm not. Ok. Carry on.)

After about 3 weeks I lost track of time. I'd go to school, check the mail and then lock myself in my room.

I've always been awful at being patient. I know that I should just wait and be patient but my whole future is on the line and I'm feeling a lot of nerves since I still haven't gotten a letter.

My mom walks in the house and slides a letter under my door.
It's addressed to me. I never get mail. I open the letter and read it twice to make sure I read it right. I squeal.
She runs to my room and says, "You made it." I nod my head and we hug and jump around like fangirls who just saw new pictures of Joshifer.

I can't believe it. I made it. I really made it.

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