0: The Tricks of Eros

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"Why...?" He couldn't help but ask at the sight as tears flowed down his cheeks and staring at the face of Annabeth Chase.

She did everything in her power to look everywhere but at him, guilt surging through her body as she realised exactly what it was she'd done to him. She knew that if she looked at him she would also start crying.

Connor Stoll, who was next to Annabeth in the bed, also looked incredibly guilty as he stared at his lap, saying nothing at all.

Percy closed his eyes tightly. "... I hope you're both happy with each other," he croaked out, forcing a smile onto his lips that looked as if it was made of glass, opening his eyes as he looked at the pair of naked demigods, only hidden by the sheets. "I hope you both live a long and happy life together and... And never give up on the other..."

"Percy...!" Annabeth tried, but Percy turned and ran out, not wanting to hear so much as a word from her lips.

How did all of this happen, one may ask?

The day before, while Percy was visiting his mother and step-father, Eros was getting bored and that was never a good thing. Him getting bored often resulted in horrible things happening, such as Poseidon and Medusa.

The God of Love began to scroll through the images of various mortals and demigods, looking for a love life to make intriguing, or to ruin. He wanted a good story to tell in a few hundred years or so, he'd run out of good ones long ago... And that was when he happened upon Annabeth Chase's image.

Madly in love with Percy Jackson, but still held lingering feelings for the deceased Son of Hermes. The God's eyes lit up in excitement... If he, Eros, could ruin the love life of Percy Jackson... What a story that would be to tell. How he ruined the love life of the greatest Demigod to have ever lived! It would be a story for the ages, one he could tell over and over again, and never get tired of!

So, the next day, when Percy Jackson was due to return he'd shot an arrow into Annabeth Chase and into Connor Stoll, the closest of the Stoll brothers at the time, and then grinned to himself as he watched the show.

Percy returned to camp feeling incredibly happy. He'd been to visit his mother, step-father, having been told his mother was pregnant by them. He was excited to be a big brother, a feeling of joy filling him he hadn't known before and had immediately rushed to the Athena Cabin to tell Annabeth the news.

He'd been told by Malcolm that she was in her office in the big house, and so Percy headed there to see her and tell her all about his time with his family... Only to freeze at the sight of Connor and Annabeth together in the bed, sheets covering them.

He didn't need to see under them to know what they'd been doing, the room stunk of their session.

All joy Percy had felt, at that moment, was sucked out of him as he felt a cold void settle inside of him. But even then... He wasn't angry. He wasn't mad. He was just sad, heartbroken, that this had happened.

So, he'd forced down how he really felt and smiled through the tears, wishing them a happy life, before he'd quickly left and headed to his Cabin to grab his things, leaving Camp within ten minutes and getting a ride back home.

The door opened, and Sally blinked in surprise. "Percy? I thought you were going back to camp..." She trailed off as she saw Percy's eyes. Bright red, as if he'd been crying. "Paul!" She called out. "Can you go make a pot of hot chocolate? I think we'll need it!"

Sally ushered Percy into the house and led him to the main area, sitting on the couch and hugging him as Percy sniffled and sobbed into her. She whispered comforting things, and Paul came out awhile later, setting the pot of Hot Chocolate and 3 mugs on the table.

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