Chapter 1

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"Mista! Number 3 stole my bread again!" A small voice bawled, looking at its user.

"Give me that!"

"Miiiiissttaaaa!" Number 5 began to weep. Its cry was loud enough for Giorno and Narancia to flinch.

Mista sighed, it wasn't the first time his stand would snatch others food eventhough there were plenty more.
"Oii number 3, stop making number 5 cry." He sweatdropped as he took another piece of bread and feed his sex pistols.

Mista had to make sure they have their meal, or else his stand would lose their strength to fight. So he would always feed them first before he starts his mission.

He cocked his head towards his right, seeing a blonde who had been standing for an hour. "Mista, we should really get going." He said, looking through the binoculars.

Giorno had been very wary of his surroundings. He wouldn't want the enemies to ambush while they were waiting for Mista's stand to fill themselves up. It couldn't be help since sex pistols were born like that. But they really should move, Giorno believed. He had a bad feeling.

"We wouldn't want to keep Bucciarati waiting." He added.

Narancia on the other hand was keeping tracks of his radar. His stand was to detect any carbon dioxide aka breathing from humans.

Mista shifted his gaze towards the ravenette, hands were still feeding sex pistols, "How was it?"

"Nah, nothing came out."

Giorno was very concerned, his instinct told him otherwise. But he didn't doubt Narancia's stand. "Still nothing?"

Narancia focused his eyes on the radar again, "Hmm.. Nope, nothing."

It was strange. Giorno didn't want to doubt Narancia's stand because it was usually accurate. But he sensed something. No, he felt someone watching him. He quickly touched his shoulder- his birthmark on impulse. What was that thing he was feeling? He didn't like it one bit.

"I'm done." Mista interrupted as he inspected his revolver, making sure the bullets were filled. He landed his eyes on Giorno and thought that he might've had a deja vu, except for Narancia.

Giorno put his binoculars away and nodded, "Let's go." He said as he took the lead.

"W-wait!" Narancia suddenly shouted, "My radar caught something that way!" He pointed his finger to where Giorno was standing. But it was so clear to them no one was there except for Giorno.

"It's only Giorno."

"No.. There are two people! Giorno run!"

That was when Giorno realised, he was too late. It was like a lightning struck, Giorno just disappeared.






Giorno opened his eyes slowly. His eyelids continued to flutter as he tried to adjust to the bright light entering his sight.

His head thumped and his body hurt.
He scanned his surroundings, it was unfamiliar. The ceiling was white and it looked a bit run down. The fan seemed to make a loud noise- he wished it would stop because it made his head throbbing.

"Oh my, you've awaken!" Came a lady in her early 40s. She had an apron on and her hair was tied in a bun, hiding her black hair. She had a few wrinkles on her forehead but nevertheless, she was a beautiful woman.

Golden Crusader ( Jojo Bizarre Adventure Fanfiction ) Part 3 x Part 5Where stories live. Discover now