17. Bitch You Better Be Joking

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Gary tried to wipe his eyes, not wanting to be seen like this, but Serena kept saying it was okay to cry. "Misty is.. cheating on me.." Gary finally confessed, feeling more tears run down his cheeks. "Oh my god.. Gary I'm so sorry to hear that.." Serena said, sympathetically.

The girl took a step forward, and wrapped her arms around Gary as an embrace. The boy put his arms around Serena too, as he sunk into the hug. Gary tried to stop crying, but the boy was completely heartbroken. Sure Serena didn't like Misty, but she felt so bad for Gary.. she knew how much he loved her.

"Gary didn't deserve this.." She thought to herself.


The next day

Dawn had awoken in her bed. She let out a yawn before she sat up, and got out of bed. She skipped out of her room, and went over to Serena's room to knock on the door.

To her surprise, there was no answer. "..Sere?" Dawn asked, before opening the door. The bed was empty. "What the.." Dawn sweatdropped.

She exited the room and went back into her own, to grab her phone. The blue haired girl let out a sigh of relief when she realised she saw a message from Serena, the night before.

Serena: Hey Dawn, I'm staying the night at Gary's house. I'll see you tomorrow morning 💕

Dawn went downstairs to see Johanna and Fantina making breakfast. "Morning Mum and Mum two." She teased, earning a laugh from Fantina. "Morning dear." Johanna replied.

Dawn had jokingly called Fantina "Mum two" as a kid, but now it'd kinda stuck. She saw Fantina more as a second parent than her biological father, so she called her Mum as well.

"Do you know where Serena is? We're supposed to be going to the police station today." Johanna explained. Dawn blinked in surprise, before she texted Serena.


Serena's phone buzzed causing her to awaken. What she didn't expect, was that she'd woken up in Gary's arms. "Oh my god.." Serena blushed, recalling what'd happened last night.

Serena had gone full best friend mode and bought heaps of snacks so herself and Gary could eat them while watching movies together. This was to get Gary's mind off of Misty.. he knew he had to confront her, but he wanted to sleep on it as he didn't know what quite to say at the time.

They grew tired and ended up cuddling as they finished the movies, and alas Serena woke up in Gary's arms. Carefully, Serena moved away from Gary, trying not to wake him up. She grabbed her phone to check her messages, to see she received one from Dawn.

Dawn: Hey lovely, Mum is asking where you are, apparently she's taking you to the police station today.

Serena's eyes widened, "Shit-" She blurted loudly, causing Gary to wake up. Serena quickly put her shoes on, and went to collect her belongings that were scattered around the lounge room. "Going somewhere?" Gary yawned. "Yeah.. I'm going to the police station with Johanna today and she's waiting on me." Serena said, before realising she still had to shower and get changed when she got back to the Berlitz house, she was still wearing her clothes from the day before.

"Goodluck with it all." Gary said, standing up as he got off the couch. "Thanks Gare, I'll speak to you later." Serena said, before she walked over to hug Gary. Gary hugged her back, "Thank you for last night.. it was nice of you to stay over and comfort me. I'll talk to Misty today." The brunette said. Serena smiled, "Anytime best friend, bye! Take care.." Serena said before she headed to the front door to leave.


Serena raced in the front door of the Berlitz household. "Sorry Johanna, I'll be ready to go soon." She said, before she went up the stairs. "That's fine dear, don't rush!" Johanna insisted.

Serena was in her room, picking out clothes to wear for the day, during this time Dawn poked her head in the doorway. "How's Gary doing?" She asked, sympathetically. "He's pretty heartbroken.. he's gonna call Misty today and hopefully break up with her. He deserves way better than that." Serena replied. "True that.. Goodluck with today." Dawn smiled. Serena looked up and smiled back, "Thanks hunny." She replied.

Dawn walked downstairs again, "Mums, I'm gonna go to Starbucks.. see you later, love you both." She announced, walking to the front door. "Bye dear!" Johanna and Fantina replied at the same time.

Serena walked downstairs moments later and entered the kitchen. "I'm ready to go." She said, though she looked nervous. Johanna grabbed her car keys, "Awesome." She replied, before turning to Fantina, "Bye hun." Johanna said, before the pair kissed. Once they broke apart, Johanna and Serena walked over to the front door. "Bye lovelies, drive safely!" Fantina said as they left.


Dawn approached Starbucks, though something at the front of the store caught her eye.. or more so, somebody.

"Is that.. Ash?" She asked, as someone was sitting at one of the tables just outside of Starbucks, asleep as they leant over the table. As Dawn got closer, she realised it was Ash.

She peeked over his shoulder to see he had a notepad. At the top of the page, it was titled "Looking for Calem" and there was a list of places underneath it, some scribbled out. Dawn blinked in surprise, wondering what had happened to Calem. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen him in a couple of days.

Quickly, she went into Starbucks and ordered two takeaway coffees. Once the order was complete and she received the coffees, Dawn walked back outside and placed one of the cups in front of Ash, causing him to wake up.

Dawn then sat in the seat opposite Ash, and placed her coffee on the table. "Rise and shine." She giggled, as Ash yawned before he stretched his arms out.

"You're a site for sore eyes.." He admitted to Dawn, as he looked at her now. Dawn blushed, "Uh, thank you?" She replied awkwardly. Ash blushed when he realised what he said.. though he wasn't lying. He'd been so tied up with helping Brendan, he'd miss seeing Dawn's beautiful face.

"Oh, thanks for this! It's just what I need!" Ash boomed, looking at the coffee Dawn had bought for him, before he took a sip of it. Dawn smiled in response, "You're welcome!" She said, before her eyes darted down to Ash's notepad. "Is everything okay with Calem?" She asked, pointing to the title. "Oh man.. do I have a story for you." Ash sweatdropped.

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