Three: Katie Turner, Michael Clifford

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“You ought to teach Luke a couple of things; he can’t kick a ball to save his life!”

I smiled back and watched as a goal went in. I didn’t really know Tuvalu or American Samoa, but they seemed pretty good. Luke had sat down at the table, completely uninterested in our conversation. A few seconds later, I went over to the table and sat down opposite him.

“Calum dear, would you like an egg?” Luke’s mum asked, holding up the saucepan. I looked around the table, and noticed sausages and hash browns on my plate, as well as a bowl of cereal and milk, and two slices of toast. It made me tear up slightly, because neither mum nor dad had ever prepared something this delicious for me on any day, not even my birthday. They were always off to work early in the morning and home late at night.

“T-that would be lovely.”

I glanced up at Luke, who seemed pretty content with his breakfast. It was no wonder he was a little bit chubby, if he was eating such a deluxe breakfast every day. And his parents, they were so loving and kind. Not only them; but his brother too, who always saved Luke whenever he was in trouble.

How I wished to have a family like Luke Hemmings.


Once we had finished eating and were bored, we went to the park. It was pretty good weather for winter, but there was still quite a chilly breeze. At the park, we saw Michael sitting on the bench, listening to music on his iPod. I could see that Luke wasn’t particularly pleased to see Michael, however he was still my friend and it would’ve been odd not to say hi.

“Hey Michael,” I said casually, sitting down on the bench next to him. He looked up through his mega fringe and smiled. Then he saw Luke, and the smile turned upside down into a scowl.

“What is this douchebag doing here?” Michael asked spitefully, staring at Luke with icy cold eyes. Luke must’ve felt intimidated, and wandered around the park, eventually making his way to the swings.

“Mate, why do you hate him so much?”

He shook his head, smiling. “He kissed Aleisha at Jake’s party. You know that I’ve been going out with Aleisha for months, right? Well after that party, she finished it with me. Done.”

“Ouch. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it was his fault...”

“Yes it does! If he hadn’t smooched with my girlfriend, I wouldn’t hate him. And that’s the truth.”

Who knew that Hemmings was one to kiss someone else’s girlfriend, eh? I laughed internally at the thought of him sitting on the stairs with this Aleisha girl, kissing. I even tried to picture it; but nothing came.

Luke came over, with a sorrowful look on his face. “Michael, can I tell you something?”

Michael stared deeply at him, without changing his facial expression. “What?”

“I didn’t actually kiss Aleisha.”

In reply, Michael laughed. Like really hard. “Well who fucking did?”

“It was Jake. You must’ve mistaken him for me, because we have similar hair. I wasn’t even inside half the time; I was outside on the patio with my brother.”

Revelation time... Michael raised an eyebrow doubtfully. “Are you sure? Cause if I find out that it was you and that you lied to me, you’re gonna get it real bad. And I’m sure Calum won’t have any problem aiding me in that, am I right?”

“Don’t bring me into this, I’ve got nothing to do with Aleisha and your relationships,” I replied, putting my hands up. Michael sighed and dropped his shoulders.

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