Chapter 2

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"There's going to be trouble if the heads of two major houses are in my home."

"There's enough space. You could comfortably fit them."

"Servants included?"


"Exactly. I should just tell them no."

"Well, what should be happening is you should be there.... I know! I know, don't look at me like that. I wouldn't leave my girl behind, for any reason."

Aphiwe's eyes battled their way open only to find her face covered, not with goggles but with leather, thicker than any she'd ever felt. Her face was covered too, clean, but strong air forced itself against her nostrils. She reached for it and immediately regretted it, like a strong wind on fading embers, pain burst up, dotting her every muscle, making her grimace, creating a domino effect. She shuddered but fought through.

"Aphiwe? You waking up? Mom!"

"Chuma?" She slurred out.

Rocking back and forth her hands hit upon her face. She pulled, mixing with the sway and the mask came off. Her muscles burned, pulling, recoiling against her will. They locked into place when the giant Jokai appeared, staring and using Chuma's voice.

Aphiwe screamed her lungs out, everything thrown into her howl. The image of the Jokai stared, terrified before it started to weep. The sunflower of bone shattered becoming fur. The tails becoming one, hugging itself. It broke apart, turning into Chuma. Orange fur, tall for her age, thin from picky eating, large eyes, wet with fright and sorrow. The door burst, literally as Thato ran through, door handle in hand. She jumped the bed, sliding on pure momentum across the sheets into Aphiwe, clinging onto her until Aphiwe's screams faded, slowing and disappearing with her breath.

"Sindiswa, Roli, one of you get a doctor. Someone else, Chuma."

Sindiswa, also orange furred slapped her husband on the head and he took off. She scooped Chuma up.

"Are you okay?" Chuma nodded, "Do you want to go home?"

Chuma didn't move for what must have felt like a lifetime before finally shaking her head.

"Okay. She's fine, just a little rattled, how's Api?"

"I don't know. She's still breathing and is calming but her heart is beating its way out her chest. You still think a noble house should come?"

"It's because of your care that they want to come."

"I already risked her life on it. I'm just over excited her by having one of her friends over."

"Don't blame my child!"

"I'm not blaming your child! I'm blaming myself... It was my name she called out. I wasn't the first person she saw when she woke up."

"You have one of the most vital roles in the entire god tree, having made one of the biggest changes in your race's history. You were going to be busy. If it had happened any other day, you might have not seen her at all."

"I know you're trying-"

Chuma jumped out of her mother's hands and stepped in front of Thato, who without trying just towered over her, bone shadowed by silver muscle. Still Chuma reached out, her long tail wagging around, trying to stop her from reaching out, swatting at her wrists. Chuma withstood and despite herself. Thato pulled her in, holding both girls with arm room to spare. Chuma's tail hid behind Chuma, not touching Aphiwe who'd stopped shivering altogether.

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