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Shortly after Cicero was sent to Aarondale the whole of Cyrodiil received word of a murder that took place at the orphanage. The Heartlily family got wind of this and didn't know what to think. They didn't know what to think a lot actually. Especially after the latest revelation.

In some way, Aunt Beatrice found out about Caeruleus's involvement with the Rubrum's murder. Kristoph left to town in a rage and nearly beat his nephew to death after he inadvertently almost got his daughter killed.

Caeruleus was sent to a reformation military school where he stayed until a year later. He was found dead with a slit through and nails in his legs.

Bellona started practicing combat again with her mother after months of not doing so. It helped her cope with her ordeal and every once in a while she would visit his parent's graves in the hope of seeing him there.

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