The cure.

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Morndas 8th, Frostfall, 4E 180

The next day Bellona and Ivy awaken to discover that Cicero has left. The window still opens and the ladder still down. On the cushioned banister of the window lays a note. Bellona picks up it up gingerly and opens it.

The note reads:
Find me at the place where we first met. Whenever you finish it I'll be waiting. Thank you and Ivy so much. I'm not sure how I'll ever be able to repay you guys.

Bellona smiles and hands the note to Ivy. She also smiles at it.
"Let's go downstairs. The alchemy lab was re-stocked yesterday. I'm pretty positive mother is gone as well. I doubt father will blink an eye." Ivy informs.
"Hopefully he doesn't. I believe we still have the disease encyclopedia on the bookshelf." Bellona says as she and her sister walk downstairs.

Kristoph is busy setting baked chicken legs out on the table to cool off. He nods at them. "Morning girls. What are you up to today?" He asks.
The two look at one another. Bellona responds. "We're looking for one of mother's books."
"I see. Well, I'll leave you to it." Their father is never one for a long conversation. Unless he has to. They head over to a corner where the setup is and look through the various worn down book spines. Finally, Ivy finds the book and pulls it out. Handing it to Bellona.

She recalls the symptoms and flips through the pages looking for it. About midway through the musty pages, she finds what she's looking for. Both her and Ivy's face fall grim. His mother has phthisis. A rare but often deadly if not treated disease. Peasants and the poor fall victim to it the most sadly enough.

"Ivy, can you read me the ingredients? I need to know what we have." Bellona asks as she hands her the book and opens some barrels.
"Will do. So we need mandrake root, hawk feathers, mud crab chitin, morning glory seeds, and sunflower petals." She then switched her gaze from the book list to Bellona.

"Great, just what we need. I found the feathers and mandrake but not the others. It seems we have to go look for them. You get the flowers and I'll get the mud crab. I saw morning glories at Ellis's house and maybe mother will have the sunflower petals." Bellona takes charge of the situation.
"Alright just be careful mud crabs can grow to be really huge." Ivy sets the book down.

"What are you girls up to?" Their father questions. He looks more concerned than anything.
"We're making something for mother." Bellona lies to her own father. He buys the lie and continues to do what he's doing.
"Let's go." Bellona waves a hand towards Ivy.
"Aren't you going to get your weapons?" Ivy looks confused.
"No need I have magic." Bellona whispers.

Near Anvil the girls split up. Ivy heads to Anvil and Bellona goes to the coastline. She walks a little while before spotting a melon-sized crustacean eating something on the beach. She lowers herself behind a rock knowing these things can be aggressive and quick paced. She charges up her sparks spell and aims at it. Once the electricity hits the creature it's body begins to shutter and has an unsuspected result. It jumps in the air and blows apart. Sending guts and shell everywhere.

  Bellona is in a mixed state of horror and amusement at what just happened. She shakes her head to clear the mental fog and searches for what's left of the crab. She scoops up what chitin she can see before the seagulls start swarming.

  She hurries back to the edge of Anvil and sees Cicero by the apple tree. He sees her and meets her halfway.
"Hey, Cicero we had to search for some of the ingredients. Sorry, we can't make it more soon."
"It's fine. I saw Ivy a little bit ago. That explains why then." He looks down at Bellona's clutched hands.
Sensing the upcoming question Bellona beats him to it. "The mud crab chitin is a requirement. Ivy is getting the morning glory and sunflower parts." She explains.
"Oh okay." He watches the Anvil main gates with interest.

  Just then Ivy comes running out then she slows her pace past the guards. Shortly after their cousin, Caeruleus shows his face. He follows Ivy she starts running and he chased after her. Bellona and Cicero follow suit. They end up in a forested area by Anvil but out of view of the guards.
"Leave her alone Caeruleus!" Bellona screams as she watches him loom over her sister. Ivy fell backward against a fallen log and is practically trapped.

"I hate this guy." Cicero mumbles. Whenever Caeruleus is outside of the walls he harasses Cicero due to his status. Just like what he does with beggars.
Caeruleus turns around and smirks giving Ivy the chance to get up and run behind her sister and friend.
"Oh look the peasant boy and the halfbreed. Perfect luck. I've had enough of you all." He brushes his hair back with a hand.

"Why do you hate us? What have we done to you? We're your family." Bellona glares at him demanding an answer.
The teenager just looks at them with a bored expression. "Figure it out you dunce-cap. I come from a family of wealth and status. Having low-borns ruins the family image. Things were so much better when I didn't have you around. My family would never talk about you now they do. It's embarrassing."

Cicero takes a step forward tired of this logic and speaks exactly what's on his mind. "That is the most ignorant and pointless logic I have ever soon. Yeah, I've known some dumb nobles in my life but you take the cake for twattery." Bellona rests a hand on his shoulder.
"Cicero that's enough let's just get out of here the guards are nearby." She tugs on him. He looks back at her. "No Bell. This prick always abuses me and every time I kick his ass if I can't run from him. Now that he's targeting you two I'm getting the point across."
Bellona is about to speak again until a rock hits her in the head. She cries out in pain and falls to the ground with Ivy trying to catch her.

  Between the pain caused by the stone and her own tears, Bellona briefly looks up at Cicero. His entire body is shaking then he charges Caeruleus he is more than ready to fight. Despite the size difference, Cicero hits like a bear and Caeruleus goes down. They roll around a bit punching and scratching until Caeruleus gets the upper hand. He lifts Cicero above his head and throws him. He hits a tree and falls to the ground her cousin wastes no time grabbing him and lifting him to his feet.

  Caeruleus's face shifts to an expression that looks as if he's struck gold.
"What's this? An amulet of Talos?" He lifts the amulet to his face.
Bellona's pain subsides enough for her to think. She summons a healing spell and helps mend her injured head. All that's left is a dull throb. As she stands up Cicero regains consciousness. He yells out and uppercuts Caeruleus causing him to bite his tongue. He then pulls out his iron dagger and jabs it into Caeruleus's leg. He screams and falls to the ground where Cicero begins kicking him in the face and stomach.

"Cicero! Stop! Calm down!" Bellona shrieks at him before he goes too far and kills him. She wraps her arms around his shoulders. "Calm down, please. Calm down. Don't do something you'll end up regretting." She nuzzles his neck and his breathing calms down and he stops kicking Caeruleus.

"Let's just get out of here. We still need to help your mother." Ivy says.
"He's close to the town he won't die. If anything he'll blab but I doubt Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Yoric will care. They never have before."
Bellona guides Cicero away and they follow Ivy back to their house.

  As they walk Cicero wipes his bleeding nose and starts speaking. "There's Thalmor in Castle Anvil. Knowing Caeruleus he'll use his newfound knowledge to get the last laugh. He's screwed up like that."
Bellona's heart sinks. She knows full well that Caeruleus will go to those levels of revenge. She pays not have known him for long but she knows he's mental.
"Let's not think about that right now." Bellona tries to reassure him.

At home, with Cicero hiding behind the manor the two girls whip up the potion that will save his mother.
Once it's finished Bellona gives it a quick swirl while holding it in front of the bright window.
They both walk outside and hand him the potion. "Give your mother our regards and stay safe Cicero," Ivy says as she smiles.
"Will do. Thank you both and sorry you had to see that." With that, he leaves down the hill and out of sight.

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