The Flashback pt. 1

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Deku POV:

I can't stop him, if I stand up to him he'll hit me even harder. I can't stay in this relationship. He's to abusive. I can't walk into one room without him saying something hurtful then him hiting me. He's just like his father. Let's back this story up to about...2 years ago.

2 years ago

"Bakugou I know I sound crazy but todoroki is so cute" I said

"You don't sound crazy...i feel the same way about someone...a guy" Bakugou said as he looked down

"WHO?!" I said excitedly

"Uh it's someone in 1-A" He said hesiantly

"Who tell me!" I said excitedly

"Uh, I don't know that I want to tell anybody" Bakugou said

"Come on Bakugou, you've known who I like for months" I said

"I want to see if you can guess by the end of this day...I'll give you a hint it's one of my friends that's all I'm saying" he said

"Ok..." I said

Bakugou POV:

"Hey guys" Kirishima said while walking over

My eyes widened, I started to blush, and my heart sped up so fast I thought it was gonna punch out of my chest

"Oh h-hey Kirishima" I said as I stuttered

I'm sure Deku figured out who I liked after that, but then again Deku is clueless. I looked at Deku, he looked like as if I didn't just stutter

"Y'all want to go get something to eat at a Chinease restraunt?" Kirishima asked

"Sure, I could eat" I said excitedly

At the restraunt

"Everything here looks so good" Kirishima said

" does" as I tried not to stutter

"So what will you gentlemen have to eat?" the waitress asked

After me, Kirishima, and Deku finished ordering we started talking

"So...what are y'all up to lately?" Kirishima asked

"Well I'm thinking of asking someone out" Deku said

"Oh, so you like someone? Who?" Kirishima asked Deku

"Todoroki" Deku said while blushing

"Wow, so...Bakugou do you like anybody?" Kirishima asked

"Uh...yeah" I said hesitantly

"WHO?!" Kirishima said excitedly

"He won't tell anyone" Deku said

All I could think is should I tell him? You idiot you don't even know if he likes guys. What if he's straight?' I decided not to tell him

"Uh yeah, I-I'm not telling anyone" I said cluelessly

"Come on Bakugou...I'm like one of your best friends" Kirishima said really wanting to know

"Nope, I'm not telling anyone except until I decide to tell him and only him" I said confidently

"Oh, so it's a him. Is he in class 1-A?" Kirishima asked

"Yes, but that's all I'm saying" I said

"Fine, but I'm gonna see if I can tell who it is" Kirishima said while pointing his finger at me

"Ok...I'm surprised you haven't noticed it already" I sighed

After lunch

I decided to tell him how I feel about him

"Kirishima...can I talk to alone for a moment" I said hesitantly

"Yeah bro what's up?" Kirishima asked

"Ok...look I'm about to tell you who I like" I said

"I'm ready" Kirishima gasped

"Look...I like...y-you" I said while stuttering

He looked confused

"Look I understand if you don't like me, you like me?" I asked ready to be rejected

"Yes...of course I do. I've liked you ever since the day I laid my eyes on you...why do you think I'm always hanging out with you?!" Kirishima explained

"Ok...will you go out with me?" I asked

"Yes!" Kirishima said excitedly

"So I guess we're dating" I said happily

"Wanna kiss?" Kirishima asked

"Yeah" I said as I smiled

We kissed for a bit. I wasn't sure if we were going too fast, but this is what I've wanted for months. I didn't realize how much of time went by before Deku saw us kissing.

"Y'all ready? Y'all have been talking for about ten minutes..." Deku yelled over to us

He turned around and...let's say he was surprised.

"OH MY GOD!" Deku gasped and yelled

Me and Kirishima stopped kissing after we heard Deku yell. We had no clue that we were kissing for ten minutes, know...I didn't mind. He's a good kisser...a really good kisser.

"Uh, yeah" I said as I rubbed my neck embarrassed

" like Kirishima?!?!" Deku asked excitedly while walking over to us

"Uh...yeah" I said as I blushed

"And Kirishima you like Kaachan?!?!" Deku asked excitedly

"Uh...I think that's pretty obvious considering we just kissed for ten minutes straight" Kirishima explained

"Wait are y'all dating now?!" Deku asked excitedly

"Uh, yeah" I said

"Oh my gosh congratulations you two!" Deku practiclly screamed at us

"Thanks Deku" Kirishima said

"Look Deku...if I can do it (which I just did) then you can do it should ask out Todoroki" I said trying to convience him to do it

"Ok...I'll try to do it the next time I see him" Deku said as he looked down

Back at the dorms

Deku POV:

I saw him almost immediately. I was so scared

"You got this Deku. Me and Kirishima are just gonna go...into my dorm" Bakugou said encouragingly

They left and went into Bakugou's dorm. I'm pretty sure they went into his dorm to make out with each other

"Hey Midoryia" Todoroki said while walking over to me

"Oh, h-hey todoroki" I said as I stuttered

"I have to admit something to you" I said nervously

"Yeah, whats up?" Todoroki asked confused

"Ok look if you don't feel the same way, I don't want this to our friendship" I said

"Ok...?" Todoroki asked confused

"Look, Todoroki...I like you" said nervously

He looked shocked and confused at the same time

"I-I like you too Midoryia" Todoroki stuttered

"Do you want to go out?" I asked

"Yes" Todoroki as he smiled

He looked at me with lust in his eyes and smiled. He grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. It was quick...but I didn't mind it

"Wanna live together?" Todoroki asked as he pulled away

"Yes" I said excitedly

(1,037 words)
I hope y'all like this story, also sorry it's a little rushed and corny

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