End..10. let it be December...

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Kong skates smoothly from one end to another end of the frozen lake. He will be back home next songkran. But he will come back soon. He can't be away from Arthit for long. The weather today is chilly and cloudy, just like the day he first met him. He helps an young child who struggles to skate, and again skates away to the side from where he can clearly see the Christmas decorations of the mall and their meeting place.

He remembers the last day they met here, Arthit was wearing a dark blue coat and he was looking so breathtaking. That day his fatigue and breathlessness started becoming more severe and he couldn't continue working anymore. Kong continues to stare as Rob comes out waving at him along with Kria. She has taken up the reigns of the business leaving her own passion of fashion designing aside. She has even applied for barista course in Italy. Rob is a very supportive husband and a great son in-law, yes they got married this September. It was a quaint wedding, with only close family and friends.

This time also he planned everything and it was perfect, just like Arthit wanted.

" Come on Kong, let's go back. Em will be late with Tay. They have some last minute Christmas shopping." Kria calls out.

" I will skate some more. You two go ahead."

" Mom insisted you come for Christmas dinner . Don't deny to come, she misses you ." Kong nods as he starts skating around again..

He feels the air getting chilled as one soft flake touches his eyelids and fall..like a teardrop. He touches his eyes and look above as more flakes cascade down..

" First snow fall of the season" he touches his lips as the snow softly caresses it. A whisper of breath blows by his ears.

." First kiss , first love" Kong whispers back softly to the wind, almost speaking to him. He pulls the emareld green muffler closer and the red jacket he is wearing more towards him, bracing against the chilly wind drifting the snow here and there..creating a zigzag pattern as it steadily falls, just like last time.

When he feels himself getting soaked through, he goes to the covered side of the arena , and takes out the small sliver flask. He takes a sip of the bitter Brandy.." it helps to keep you warm" he murmurs ..as he savours the taste..

He slowly leaves the place to the awaiting yellow mini Cooper, .. he sits for sometime in the car, twirling the Platinum ring on his finger. He remembers clearly the day they exchanged it. Their coveted engagement day.The family cabin decorated, Arthit in wheel chair but dazzling with his dimpled smile and burgundy suit. Kong danced to his heart content with everyone. Arthit smiling and enjoying every one of his dances with the flirty aunties..Their picture still hangs in the drawing room of the house, smiling happily. Even Kong's parents came down from Thailand for the celebration..he is now viewing the surrounding, while reminiscing the past.. his last visit to the family cabin, Arthit's last visit anywhere... Surrounding is getting white now, the roads, the houses the stores roofs..

Kong used to love this, the snow, the chilly Christmas. He remembers how he ate Em's brains about snowy Christmas when he experienced it for the first time, the night drive to the family cabin for the first time celebrating Christmas with Arthit's family, the encounter with the reindeer..he had even once gone out for a drive in the dark of the night to catch a glimpse of the majestic animal again. May be he will get lucky this time around when he visits the cabin again, after more than a year, may be he will be able to reminisce and recreate the same memory again.

Because that's all he has .. a year full of precious memories, of a beautiful man named Arthit Rojanapat. His fiance. A man who fought valiantly for Kong and for everyone who loved him. A man who loved life, who had dreams to get married beside the Pacific Ocean, a man who hated amusement park, romantic tragedies, and all bitter things including coffee but became the barista none the less, and made the best coffee chocolate cake. He was a doting brother, an obedient son and a committed lover. And he died last October, two weeks after their engagement , finally loosing the battle he was fighting since his teenage years..so many relapses so many remissions..but he was as if awaiting Kong for the final goodbye. Kong loves to think this way..

He believes soulmates meet Every life..some for longer time, some for shorter time..but they have to cross each other's path and they have to culminate together then, this time he had a year..next time they will have a lifetime. Kong is sure..

He smiles a bright smile, remembering Arthit's peaceful sleeping face after all the battle, wiping off the unknowingly shed tears as he starts the car, slowly driving off from the parking lot, now getting piled with white fluffy coat, erasing the tire marks of the car away.. but the memories untainted with the man driving away into the darkness..

Let it be December forever,he wishes everyday, because this is time he feels he is closest to Arthit. The loss less hard to bear.. So he will come back again next December and the December next..until he cannot comeback anymore....the car picks up speed ..man eager to reach their spot of first time together..

🌱🌱🌱Somwhere down the road a truck looses control of the break and skids on the piled up soft snow..a sudden headlight, a collision, and everything becomes silent muffled by the steadily falling flakes..

A hand grabs another hand as the light becomes brighter.. nomore pain, nomore bitterness of loss, as bliss surrounds everything around.. two soulmates embrace..the light shines more bright ..
Eternal December prevails..

Eternal December prevails

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💕💕The end💕💕

let It Be December Forever (completed)Where stories live. Discover now