She was able to complete her report right before the end of her shift. She submitted it to her supervisor before going out with her other workmates that were also invited for the bridal shower. They ate dinner together with the other friends of the bride-to-be before setting up the hotel room where the event will take place. The maid of honor, sister of the bride-to-be was the one who organized the event.

After an hour of preparation, the surprise bridal shower took place successfully. The bride-to-be looked elated at their surprise. They played a couple of fun and naughty games before they called it a night. The event ended earlier than planned when most of them, including the bride-to-be, started to get drunk. They each went to their rooms afterward, except for Chaeyoung. She stayed at the hotel lobby to call Jungkook. She did not want to make the call in her room since she’s sharing it with the others.

“Hello!” Jungkook answered on the other line. “I was expecting your call a bit later. Missed me already?” He chuckled.

She snorted, “What? Definitely not.”

“Strong denial. Hmm. I imagine you blushing right about now.”

She choked on what she was about to say when she felt her cheeks feeling a bit warm. How could he guess that? Am I that predictable? She thought.

“Chaeyoung! Hey! You still there? I was just kidding. Sorry.”

“I know. ‘Coz you are totally mistaken.” She sneered.

“I doubt it.” He laughed.

“Whatever. So I was thinking . . . Do you want to have midnight snacks with me?”

“Midnight snacks?”

“Yeah, I’m starving. And before you react, I ate dinner before we came to the hotel. We also had a few snacks earlier. But I feel like eating ice cream.”

Jungkook went silent on the other line as he started to change out of his pajamas. Chaeyoung assumed that his silence meant that he was not interested in her plan.

She sighed before speaking, “Or . . . Never mind. You may be sleepy –”

“I just got out of my apartment. Wait for me.” Jungkook interrupted.

“You’re coming?”

“Of course!”

Chaeyoung grinned as she ended the call. She was half expecting him to decline but was glad when he conformed without much coaxing.

It was already one in the morning and only a few people were seen around. She was sitting on an armchair while reading a magazine when someone covered her eyes from the back.

“Do I have to guess, Jungkook? I’m not expecting anyone else.” She spoke while the person’s hand remained covering her eyes.

Jungkook took his hand off and stood in front of her. He shrugged, “Worth a try.”

She chuckled and stood up. “Where are we going?”

“I passed by a fast-food restaurant a few blocks from here.”


They rode a taxi to the restaurant which Jungkook talked about. Surprisingly, there were a couple of customers in the restaurant. When they went in line to order, there were just two persons ahead of them.

“What do you want?” Jungkook asked.

“Cheeseburger, fries and chocolate sundae.” Chaeyoung answered.

He chuckled, “I thought we’re just having ice cream.”

“Well you asked me what I want.” She said before leaving him to look for a vacant seat. She found a seat in the far corner of the restaurant. Jungkook was still looking at her when she turned to wave and smile widely at him. He smiled back before looking away.

In Between Heartbreaks » TaeRoseKookWhere stories live. Discover now