Untitled Part 1

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The name's Untitled. Untitled Document. I'm a senior at Highschool Musical. Yeah, it's called Highschool Musical. Ever since Disney took over the government, they've been spreading their influence by monopolizing the education system. We're forced to recite oaths to Mickey Mouse instead of the Pledge of Allegiance.

The uniform is Mickey Mouse overalls paired with Daisy Duck's disgusting purple heels (unisex). We're forced to wear Mickey Mouse ears and at the end of the day we do the hot-dog dance. If you dance unenthusiastically you get sent to Disney World to be enslaved by Mickey himself. My mother, when she was in junior high, got sent to Disney. My family went broke bailing her out. Now we live in the slums.

Anyways, this story isn't about me- after all, my name is Untitled. This story is about my enigmatic lover, Thomas Sanders. Back in middle school Thomas transferred from Warner Bros. Middle. I thought he was kind of weird at first- he wore a black hoodie that said "My Chemical Romance" on it. I had never heard of 'My Chemical Romance,' but they sounded kind of gay. He had a really creepy character on his socks- he called it "Lil Cal." It was absolutely mortifying. The first year, I didn't really give a shit about him. But in eighth grade he lost the hoodie and socks. That was the year Disney took over, so he didn't really have a choice. It made him way more approachable. Hail Disney, amiright? Oh- they also acquired "Lil Cal," so now our lunch lady's apron is covered in lewd puppets (smuppets). Pretty cool.

So, back to eighth grade. I was so embarrassed to put on my uniform for the first time. The Mickey Mouse ears made me gag. I have a fear of felt- and they were made of felt. I nearly had a panic attack in the bathroom. I keep going on stupid fucking tangents. Thomas Sanders was now a major hottie. All the girls in Mickey's exclusive club were into him. I didn't blame them. His hair looked so dandruffy it was incredible. He was rebelling against the corporation- I respected it. In ninth grade he turned Lil Cal into a hate symbol. We raided the cafeteria and the sweet old lunch lady, Michelle Hawk, was trampled under Thomas' red converse. She had a brain aneurysm on the floor and her family sued. Thomas narrowly dodged the lawsuit by claiming he had a mental illness. That was kind of sus but I didn't give a fuck.

Ninth grade year he got his first girlfriend. Mot Hop. Mot was short for Mottiffanithaney. Damn, I wish I had a name as interesting as that. Try having "Untitled" as your first name. She had blue hair going down to her ankles. It got to a point where she dragged a dead rat through the hall in her hair. It was sick-biznasty. I aspired to be Mottiffanithaney Hop. Unfortunately she got hit by a 'Ben and Jerry's' semi-truck. Fuckin' wasted.

It was a major tragedy. Thomas was hit hard. Almost harder than the truck. He started putting on eyeliner, nearly got sent to Disney World one day. This was my chance.

But then- suddenly, like a hawk swooping in and taking your teacup dog in its talons, carrying it away to feed its innards to its infant hawk child, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg's estranged daughter snapped him up in her disgusting acrylic claws. (A/N: was that good? im an aspiring author)

I ran up to the school roof and almost jumped off- but my character wasn't developed enough. So I went back inside. It wasn't time to die just yet.

They broke up soon at Lady and the Tramp's spaghetti parlor. It was because Thomas had tried to give Ruth Bader-Ginsburg Jr. a purity ring. She reclaimed her thothood and dumped him.

Untitled Document x Thomas Sanders x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now