Chapter 8: An Incident

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                                                                               Chapter 8

                                                      Clitheroe, England  September 8, 1887

I was ecstatic! A job, finally, a job! Beside myself with happiness I was, a good paying and pleasant job! I admit, I was nervous when I nearly collided with the young Dr. Lacy.

He had caught me by surprise and seemed not as old as the doctors I've known. When I first took in the angled jaw and handsome face of James, I was not sure I had seen one quite like it. His dirty blonde hair gleamed in the sunlight, slightly messy in an attractive way, cut short but and slightly swept to one side from fingers running through it. His eyes had an interesting steel grey color with a serious look in them that seemed to lock to mine for a split second when we nearly collided into each other. James was taller than most, but then again so was I, and solidly built with a slight browned look from many hours spent playing in the sun. I had the same color from my younger years, but most of it had since paled from hours spent cleaning indoors.

But, when I found out the job was mine, I could honestly hardly control myself. I had to tell Georgie or else she might worry all the orange right out of her hair. I walked down the path that led to the majority of big houses, including Taylor Manor. It was a brisk fall evening and I was thankful for the relief from the cool wind when I climbed the few steps to the sheltered doorway that let into Sir John Taylor's home. I knocked on the door and who else but Eliza answered.

"Good evening." She half heartedly greeted. "I am terribly sorry, but Sir Taylor is not seeing anyone this afternoon."

"I am not here to see Sir Taylor," I explained. "I have come to see one of his employees, Miss Georgina Hull." Eliza's eyes widened in response to my best friend's name, I had a feeling Sir Taylor's head housekeeper held grudges and I think she remembered me.

"No visitors for employees unless granted permission by the head housekeeper and Sir Taylor at least 24 hours in advance. So, I must apologize again and bid good day to you madam."

"But Eliza, I have been staying here for the past-" 


The door was shut in my face rather rudely. I was about to leave when I hear some arguing behind the door between Eliza and someone who sounded like Georgie an awful lot. The heated discussion went on for a minute and the door was yanked open at the hands of none other than my good ol' Georgie. She still had that same goofy smile, but she wore a different uniform and looked quite happy.

"Addy!" She cried out and proceeded into her usual rapid fire speech. "Oh, I cannot believe you are here! I have so much to tell you! This job is wonderful, wonderful I say, and Sir Taylor is the most wonderful employer. Oh, speaking of employer, how is job search going? Oh, I have the funniest story to tell you! One day I wa-"

"Georgie!" I nearly shouted. "Calm down, why don't you tell me everything in a more private place?" I said this looking out of the corner of my eye at Eliza who was all but blowing steam out her ears. Georgie saw where I was looking and quickly led me to her room on the fourth floor where all the other maids stayed as well.

We entered a small bedroom where there were two small beds shoved on opposite sides of the room and a small writing desk under a small, round window at the other end of the room. There were squeaky floorboards and the desk looked gently used, but the room was in pretty good condition other than that, for a chambermaid's room. A trunk that I recognized as Georgie's was shoved under one of the beds and I could see rough drafts of various letters scattered on her unmade bed. Her roommate's side was nearly the opposite; bed neatly made, open trunk at the foot of her bed exposing one-tone clothing neatly folded into piles by the small amount of color there was and a stack of some of the most boring books on earth (I know because I have read them.) next to bed organized by author's last name.  Georgie brushed the crumpled paper off her bed and sat down, beckoning for me to do the same.

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