Chapter 6: Employment

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                                                                             Chapter 6

                                                   Clitheroe, England  September 8,1887

"Please God," I pleaded in my head silently, "let there be a decent position for a helpless maid in need of food, money, and a place to stay that is not where her best friend works. I don't need fancy pay, just a job please! Amen."

I opened my eyes and peeked at the town announcement board. It had been empty the last two days and if I didn't get a job today, I would have to head back to Burnley. Then, I had not only my shame and failure to contend with, but also "Barking Bess" at my heels. She would mock me for letting a "perfectly acceptable position" slip through my fingers. I then would give in to the mocking out of defeat and never hear the end of it. The job with Sir Taylor had not worked out for me. He could only afford one more employee and I let Georgie have it, she was going to have a hard time finding someone to put up with her indefatigable source of energy if I were to keep the position. Sir Taylor allowed for me to stay in his mansion until I found another job, but I felt bad about staying there without actually working.

"Please, please, please," I repeated under my breath and scanned to board for a job notice. My eyes fell upon a clean piece of paper with the words "maid" and "wanted" in the same sentence and my heart leapt for joy! After a about a minute of jumping up and down, I reminded myself that person who sent out the notice could be right behind me and thinking me mad, so I calmed down and read the rest of the wonderful, god-sent notice.

                                  MAID WANTED FOR CLEANING AND HANDIWORK:

Must have past experience and also know how to cook. Will be needed for 2-3 weeks with a payment of £25 per week. Please proceed to 13 Newberry Lane on Scarlet Hill for further description and job application.

Well, it was more pay then I make as a chamber maid and as long as I didn't have to cook for more than 3 people, I should be fine. Well, off to Scarlet Hill!

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