Chapter 17

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"Zane Come on," Vylad whined, tugging on his older brothers shirt, "please Big Brother?"

"Vylad, No, you've been asking for sixteen minutes," The Jet black favoring boy hissed, pulling his blanket up higher. Vylad hadn't left their room, and had been bugging him about going to the mall. Oh How Vylad knew that if he pushed Zane a bit further-


"Fine," he groaned his voice cracking, "I'll go! Now get out."

"Zane. If I leave you won't get out of your fucking bed."

He sighed, moving his quilt from over his body. Immediately feeling cold. He (despite being cold) got up and moved to his side of the closet. He pulled out a pair of ripped jeans, a normal tee shirt and hid straight black hoodie. "There. I'm ready, now will you stop?"

"Yep! So," Vylad smiled, looking down at his phone, "we leave in 10 minutes."



What Vylad did not tell his brother was that they were going with Travis and Dante- and that Vylad and Dante were going to leave the two alone. Oh he was pretty damn annoyed when Vylad took off with Dante to the book store. Travis  just smiled, quite sadly.

"You know," He sighed as they stepped into the doors of the Bakery, "I can call you a cab or borrow Dante's car."

Zane frowned and tugged his mask down, "I don't mind staying."

"You look like you do," he frowned oh boy that did not look good on his face. "It's fine you don't have to-"

"Travis," He put his hand over the boy's mouth, "I really don't mind. Come on, I wanna see this place's hot topic."

Travis just smiled, and nodded. Yes Zane took his hand off of  Travis Mouth.


"FINALLY," He screamed, then suddenly clasped a hand over his mouth due to the laugh from the Bluenette and the stares of the rando's. "Sorry."

Dante smiled cheeks tinting pink, wait what? "It's no biggie."

Eh, maybe it's just realllyyyy hot- in the beginning of February...

"Vylad can it be hot in the middle of February..?"

The boy randomly pulled a book out of his bag and doodled something down, "I mean, it can but  right here right now? No," He looked up very quickly face pink, "Why?"

"Just asking.."

Vylad continued his sketching as the dumb gay bitch with him tried to understand what the fuck was happening. He felt like that before Kenzie Moore started dating him. They went from 5-8th when she moved. He really really liked her. What does that mean? Vylad had only been his tutor for a week or two..

But he does have chemistry with him. And was his partner in project 5/7.


What the hell does he do about feeling like this?

He's dating Nicole...

She would surely understand..right? She knew about how Kenzie Moore and him were, she'd understand that he found that- just with a dude? Who he met when the kid started school? And had chemistry with? Would she get that?




Gosh this boy was gonna be the death of him.

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