Chapter 14

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POV Marinette

My pain would have been a lot worse if it weren't for the adrenaline pumping through my veins. The boy behind the mask was Adrien. The silly cat who had been teasing and flirting with me constantly was the boy I'd been wishing the whole time. The boy who I wanted to admit their feelings to me had done it many times, and I had rejected him. 

We landed on a random rooftop, and Chat put me down. I simply stared at him for a second. He was both Adrien and Chat. 

"So..." he started and dragged out the word.

"Um, so," I replied, staring down at the concrete. "You're Adrien."

"Well, I mean...yes, but I'm also Chat, but as a civilian, I am Adrien," he told me. 

I nodded because I was too shocked to try and speak. This was a lot to take in. 

He broke our moment of awkwardness by saying, "You're the first person I've told. I...haven't even told Ladybug. I guess that's only because she doesn't want us to know each's identity. Man, I'm going to get an earful about telling a civilian once she figures out."

I laughed out of the irony. 

"Well, Adri--I mean, Chat," I began, "I guess I should tell you--"

He shushed me before I could finish. I stopped and gave him a questioning look. I realized that the akuma might be back, and that's why he quieted me. I crouched down and as I did so, a sharp pain hit me in the side. I fell over at the shock. Chat looked at me quickly, and was on the ground by my side in seconds. 

He cursed, "Shit, she really hurt you didn't she?" 

I shook my head even though I was gritting my teeth. "No, it's fine. I still have to help you--"

He put his finger on my lips to stop me from speaking. I blushed at the action and the butterflies in my stomach, but he didn't seem to feel as affected. He pulled his finger back as told me, "You are not allowed to help. Not right now. Actually, you can help me." His last phrase made me perk up. "You can go and hide in this building." I sighed because I thought he had figured out that I was Ladybug and I wouldn't have to tell you.

"Look, I have to tell you something, Chat," I sighed. This was going to be hard. Knowing that I was the girl who had rejected him might hurt, but I had to tell him I knew. It was important for the sake of our partnership.

"Could we please save the talk about our feelings for after the akuma attack," he suggested. "I just...I know it's out now and I truly meant what I said, but I don't want to get into that right now. I have to stay focused."

I nodded because we definitely had to talk about what he admitted and how I felt the same way. I was referring to the fact that I am Ladybug and have been his partner for a while now, so I continued, "We have to talk about that, but I want to tell you now that--"

I was interrupted by a shriek. Adrien turned to me and hurriedly found a door leading inside of the building. 

"Go wait in here, and I'll get you soon enough," he instructed. "Please just wait here and don't do anything reckless."

I nodded and he began to close the door. I put my foot in between the door and the door jam. He opened the door and stood there waiting for me to say something.

"Thank you, Chaton," I thanked, and got up on my tippy toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. I pulled back as my cheeks warmed and I saw that his were tinted pink. He scratched the back of his neck in a sheepish manner before running to the middle of the roof. I closed the door, and slid my back down the door. My heart was racing, and not because of the akuma attack. I replayed the events of today in my head until I heard Kagami's voice beyond the door. I stilled my beating heart to try and hear better. 

"Where the hell is she, Kitty Cat?" Kagami asked angrily. 

"Who's she? I don't know anybody with that name," Chat Noir teased. 

I chuckled to myself at his humor. He was so immature, but I loved it. 

 I heard a strike of some sort, and Chat grunted. I assumed she had hit him. My heart panged in my chest. 

She yelled out, "I'll ask again, where is Marinette?" 

Chat, in a pained voice, said, "I couldn't tell you."

Kagami groaned in annoyance. I heard her fire some kind of force at him. I heard him running before there was a thud and there was no more sounds of running.

"How pitiful," Kagami laughed. "The great Chat Noir taken down in only 2 blows. I guess you're nothing without your lady." I felt my anger level rising at the last thing she said. "It looks like it's time to get rid of you. For good."

Before I knew what I was even doing, I burst out of the door. Kagami, who was standing in front of Chat, turned to me. My eyes weren't drawn to her, but to Chat; he was on the ground and holding his wrist. He was definitely hurt and he was restrained by Kagami's power. 

"Kagami, don't hurt him," I told her. 

She laughed and walked toward me. "Why not?"

I grew nervous knowing that I couldn't defend myself if she attacked me. "B-because it's him."

"What's him?" Kagami asked, sounding confused.

I explained, "It's Chat. He's the one I like. Chat and Adrien are the boys I like."

I risked a glance at Chat who was smiling at me. I smiled back until Kagami was an inch from my face. I backed up, but she took a step even closer. I could feel her ragged breathing against the top of my head. 

"Marinette, if I can't have you..." Kagami yelled out with tears in her eyes, "...then nobody can."

Before I could say anything, Kagami pushed me until I couldn't feel the ground below me. Chat yelled a piecing, "NO!" I was falling. I had about 15 stories until I splatted on the ground and died. On instinct, I yelled the words that I knew would save me. A pink and red glow enveloped my body. I grabbed my weapon, and swung myself to safety. I yelled for my lucky charm. I was given a sword. I used it to pierce the hat that was on Kagami's head. The akuma flew out, and I purified it. Kagami was passed out in a heap. 

I turned toward Chat Noir. He was freed form the chain's Kagami had used to trap him, but he looked to be in even more distress. He was sobbing. He kept repeating, "I couldn't save her."

"Chat Noir," I approached in a whisper. 

"She'e gone! M'Lady, the girl I love is gone. I...I killed her," he screamed before softening his tone. He broke out into sobs again. 

I felt the pang in my chest again. I lowered myself to his level, and pulled him into a hug.

"It's okay, Chat. She's alright. She's okay. She's not dead. She's alright," I assured.

"She's gone," he cried out. 

I sighed, "No, she's not. I'm right here, Adrien. I'm okay. I'm alive."

He hesitated for a minute before looking me in the eyes. He wordlessly asked if what he thought was true; I nodded and smiled softly. He immediately tackled me in a bear hug. I hugged him back tightly. He pulled back slightly, and before I knew it, we were kissing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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