Chapter 4

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Marinette's POV

I wrapped my arms around Chat's neck as he carried me across rooftops. I was blessed that he was here, since be helped to distract me from my already swelling ankle. But my big dilemma was not my ankle, but my savior.

Chat Noir being here prevented me from transforming. Chat Noir clutching me to his chest prevented me from helping to de-evilize the akuma. Chat Noir carrying me across rooftops stopped me from getting rid of the akuma. Chat Noir telling me comforting things stopped me from helping citizens getting help.

So when we came to my balcony, I almost let out a sigh of relief. He put me down carefully on a lounge chair, so he could open the trap door. When he opened the door, he grabbed me and eased the both of us down onto my bed.

"How is it?" Chat asked pointing toward my throbbing ankle.

"It's ok," I lied.

I was trying to get him to leave. To get out of my face as soon as possible. The sooner he left, the sooner he could help the citizens who actually needed help. The sooner he left, the sooner I could transform into Ladybug and be an asset and not a weakling.

"I hate when you lie to me, princess," he sincerely stated.

I almost felt bad. I hated to lie, but if it meant the well-being of others, it was okay.

"Truly," I weakly smiled, "I'll be back on my feet by tomorrow."

He ran a hand through his golden hair and sighed. He seemed distressed. He seemed too worried. I was just another citizen to him. Why did he care so much? Why did he go out of his way to save me?

"I will be back in thirty minutes at the latest to check up on you. I can pick up some stuff on the way home," he said as he opened the trap door.

"Hey," I grabbed his tail making him stop in his tracks. "Thank you very much, Chaton. I appreciate it."

He gave me one of his cheeky grins that I learned to love.

"What kind of knight would I be if I didn't save the purr-incess?" he smirked.

"You are the best knight in armour a purr-incess could ask for, mon cher."

I swear he blushed the tiniest bit before he was out of the trap door.

And without hesitation, I was transforming and jumping toward the Effiel Tower.

Le Time Skip

I thought that Lucky Charm would help my ankle, but it only helped a little. And I knew detransforming would make it that much worse.

"Pound it," I fist bumped my partner.

We had successfully defeated the akuma. I have to admit, she was tough. At one point she had me wrapped up real good. Thank god Chat cut me free. The only problem is that I landed directly on my bad ankle. To say it hurt like a bitch would be an understatement.

It took a while and my ankle hurt about 65% more. But, hey, better my ankle hurting 65% than some old lady getting in the way of the fight and hurting her ankle. Or some little kid getting caught in the middle of the action and getting hurt.

"Great job, M'Lady," Chat smiled as he reached down to kiss my hand.

I knew if I moved just a little bit more, my ankle would get 99.99% worse. I didn't resist the kiss.

"You too, Chat," I smiled weakly.

I was doing my best to not break down right there and cry. I just needed to get home. Chat said he was going to pick something up, so that would buy me some time.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked the same way he had asked me—Marinette—earlier.

"Yeah," I easily lied, "just a bit winded."

There was a part of him that began to question my response, I could see it. But he didn't push, he didn't ask again like he had with Marinette. Of course he didn't question my strength. He expected different things from Ladybug and Marinette. He expected Marinette to be a damsel in distress and Ladybug to be some awesome badass. So he probably trusted that Ladybug was totally fine.

"Well, I have to go. See ya my lady," he saluted before leaping off.

I faked my smile until I knew he was out of sight. Then the clenched teeth came back.

It usually took me no more than two minutes to get back home, but this time it took me a little more than ten minutes. The trip felt like a couple of days though. I guess my ankle was really getting to me. I felt lightheaded, even faint. I wasn't usually this exhausted after my trip home.


I managed to get through my trap door and collapse on my bed before there was a small knock. I opened up my trap door to be met with piercing green eyes. He was holding a small CVS bag in his clawed hand.

"Princess," his face and voice were immediately laced with worry.

"Uh-huh," was the only thing I managed to say.

I was in too much pain to speak. Call me over-dramatic, but it hurt so fucking bad.

"You seem pale," he leaned in a little closer to see if he could get a better look. "How bad does it hurt?"

"On a scale from one to ten?" I began through gritted teeth. "Eleven."

"That's all I need to hear," he stated.

With that, he picked me up and began out of the trap door.

"Where are we going," I said trying to keep my heavy eyelids opened.

"Hospital," he simply stated.

I could tell he was mad. At who, I was not sure. Maybe me? Maybe the akuma? Maybe...himself? I didn't know because my eyelids fell before I could think about the topic any further.

I know it's a bit short! Tried to make it longer, but decided it was fine. Enjoy!!!

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