Chapter 7

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Adrien's POV

Marinette, Kagami, and I chatted for a few more minutes—actually Kagami kind of stuttered her way through the conversation. Eventually, Marinette said goodbye, and went to the front so her mom could pick her up. I sighed to myself as she crutched away, still feeling a bit guilty about me not being quick enough. Kagami was actually a huge help. She's probably the reason that akuma didn't rip Marinette to threads (catch that pun? Threads instead of shreds!).

"She's so amazing," Kagami sighed lovingly.

Damn, she's got it bad, I thought to myself. I shook my head to try not to laugh, but I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my lips.

"What?" She asked me, sounding embarrassed.

"Oh, nothing," I snickered. "Just thinking about how dumb you look with that love sick look on your face."

She blushed a little.

"Watch yourself, Agreste," she warned jokingly.

"Here—" I pointed to her chin, "—you have a little bit of drool right there."

"I do not," she shrieked, but still wiped her chin subconsciously.

I almost peed myself laughing.

"Stop that," she whined.

I gasped for air since I was laughing so hard. I smiled, "I'm sorry."

"You can pay me back by asking if we can go over to her place tonight to hang," she smirked.

I thought that was a great idea. Kagami would get time with her crush, and maybe build up more confidence. And I would be able to spend more time with the girl I had been thinking about for the past three nights. Or was it four nights? I couldn't quite remember anymore. All I know is her beautiful face had been occupying my thoughts.

Le Time Skip

After calling Marinette, she told me that she would love to have us over. So after I told Kagami to pick me up at my house, I went to my car to go home. I got home after a few minutes and went straight to my bathroom to prepare myself. I wasn't preparing how I looked, though; I was preparing how to act around Marinette.

I realized I had feelings for Marinette (Fandom: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS). But it wouldn't work out; I couldn't like her (NOOOOOOOOOOO). It just wouldn't be fair to Kagami if I suddenly started pursuing Marinette. There was also Ladybug aka the girl who owns my heart. What kind of a guy would I be if I started liking two girls? Anyways, Ladybug will always hold a piece of my heart.

But this whole thing wasn't about me. No, this was all so Kagami could try and be with somebody she really likes and Marinette can maybe be happy with Kagami.

I stood in the mirror and took some deep breathes. I thought about ways I could get Marinette to realize how Kagami feels. I tried thinking about little hints to drop for Marinette to figure it out.

"What the heck are you doing, kid?" Plagg asked as he flew out of my shirt pocket.

"Just thinking," I replied, still focused on what to talk about with Marinette and Kagami.

"About?" he asked.

"Marinette," I said before I realized what I was saying.

As soon as I realized what I said, I whipped toward Plagg. He had a mischievous smirk on his face; I knew I was going to hear it.

"I knew it," he cheered. "Since that first day of school in the rain, I knew you guys were meant for each other!"

"Plagg, I can't go after her," I interrupted his happy dance.

His face immediately changed to one of confusion and worry.

"Why not?" He asked with a frown.

"Because the whole reason I'm going over to her house today is so I can be a wingman for Kagami," I sighed, sliding down to sit on my bathroom floor.

"Kid, you like this girl more than a friend, right?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I do."

"Well, then you have to follow your heart," he said like I was an idiot.

"But I have to be a good friend to Kagami. I can't—" I started.

"No, listen," Plagg interrupted. "You can be a good friend and still go after this girl. Would you rather be a good friend and watch the girl you like be taken away or be with the girl you like and have a friend be mad at you for a while?"

"Plagg, you have no idea what you're even saying," I told him.

"That's where you're wrong kid," he explained. "You may know how Kagami feels, but have you even thought about how Marinette feels? She could despise Kagami!"

"Plagg that's ridiculous," I brushed off his excuse.

"Kid, I have actually had experienced this situation before myself. And believe it or not, it worked out in the end. I got the girl, and kept my friendship. So before you forget about your feelings for Marinette, think," he advised.

"Alright, Plagg. I'll—" I began to say again.

But I was interrupted by a knocking at my door. Nathalie walked in a second later to inform me that Kagami was here to pick me up. I walked down the stairs with Nathalie and opened up the car door.

"Hey there," she greeted.

"Hey," I faked a smile back at her.

Then we were silent. I just looked out the window the entire time, and she did the same. At one point, I looked at her and almost laughed. She was fiddling with her fingers, biting her lip, and her legs were shaking.

I smiled a genuine smile and asked, "Nervous?"

She stopped biting her lip, fiddling with her fingers, and shaking her legs. She stared at me like I was an idiot.

"Not even a little," she laughed with me.

I laughed with her, but the second she and I stopped laughing, the nervous manners started again. But there was no more time to be nervous. We had arrived at Marinette's house.

I walked out of the car, and started toward the door. As I was about to open the door, I saw that Kagami hadn't even started to get out of the car.

"What are you waiting for?" I chuckled.

"I'm shaking so much that it's hard to move," she whined.

I laughed as I walked back to the car to help her out. I held her hand, and pulled her from the car. She and I then walked to the door and into the bakery.

I greeted Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng who immediately enveloped me in a hug. After introducing Kagami and talking about how life was, I headed upstairs with Kagami.

"Are you ready to make a fool out of yourself in front of your crush?" I laughed.

"You're such a bully," she blushed.

We reached the door and I saw Kagami take a sharp breathe. I laughed as I opened the door to the apartment part of the house.

Marinette was lying down on the couch on her back with her hair sprawled our around her. She had these Ladybug booty shorts on, and was wearing a tight Cat Noir T-shirt that hugged all of her curves. She was sleeping peacefully, and I couldn't help but smile and blush.

At that moment I realized that I couldn't be a wingman for Kagami. I wanted to be with Marinette.

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