Chapter 13

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Adrien/Chat's POV

We whipped through the Paris air, and I prayed to god that Kagami wouldn't follow. I just needed to get Marinette to a safe place. A place where Kagami wouldn't find her. Marinette gripped me tight as I looked around for some option. I couldn't hear or sense Kagami anywhere near.

"Chat Noir," a crying Marinette spoke.

I slowed down my run to try and hear her better.

"Yes, Princess? Are you hurt? Do we need to go to the hospital again? Do we need to stop?"

I was so worried about her. I didn't know what was happening to me. Why was I so freaked out? Why was I even more worried about an Akuma than ever. Maybe it was because the girl I wanted to be with was the main target. Maybe it was because the girl I love is—

"No, Kitty. I'm fine," she assured. "But I'm afraid this guy Adrien isn't. He stood up for me, and I think the Akuma might try to harm him, and I can't let that happen."

Selfless. I couldn't believe her. She was in loads of danger and yet, she was worried about my civilian side. God, how I wanted to tell her that I—Adrien—was fine. I wanted to tell her that I am Adrien. I wanted to just get that off my chest and then I could be with her fully. But there was a time and a place, and this wasn't the time nor the place.

I sped up toward a hotel that seemed secure enough. I jumped down to the entrance, and didn't put Marinette down as I walked into the building. Once we were inside and in a sectioned off part, I put her down. I stood there next to her, and she and I just stared for a little bit. I stood as close to her to as possible in case anything came in to try and harm or—or maybe because I like her close to me.

"I-I think that you should go," she said to me in a whisper. "I mean, L-Ladybug needs you."

I stood there looking down at her before I enveloped her into a hug. I held her tight and close to me like I had wanted to for so long. I rubbed circles in her back, and breathed in her floral shampoo.

"C-Chat? We should—"

"Please just let me do this for a little bit," I interrupted. "I'm sorry, Mari. This is so unprofessional, but I just thought that the Akuma was going to hurt you and I don't want that to happen to you ever."

She wrapped her arms around me, and replied, "It's okay, Chat. I'm okay thanks to you."

We embraced each other for a while longer until I heard a loud bang from the lobby. I pulled apart from Marinette, to my dismay, and pulled her behind me. I grabbed my staff. I got ready to face this Akuma. As the Akuma entered the room, I charged at her. I was counting on Ladybug to come swinging in to deal with this Akuma. But instead, the Akuma launched me at the wall, and in seconds, I was trapped by locks to the brick. That's when Kagami's eyes came to Marinette. A sickening grin came to Kagami's face.

"Marinette," Kagami began as she walked toward Mari who in turn walked backward, "how could you be so cruel? All you had to do was give me the time of day. All you had to do was accept my feelings and then we would be happy together. But instead, we're here."

Marinette tripped over her own foot, and became a sitting duck. She scooted backward away from Kagami. I thought my arms would break from how hard I was pulling on the locks.

Kagami started to explain to Mari, "I'll make you be with me. Then after that, I'll find Adrien and I'll—"

Marinette interrupted Kagami by saying in a whisper, "Don't you touch him."

Kagami's face changed to one of confusion and she came right in Marinette's face. Marinette leaned back to create some distance.

"What did you say to me?"

"I told you to stay away from Adrien. He's one of the most amazing people in my life," Marinette told her in a strong voice.

Kagami stepped back, and I thought for a moment that she had come to her senses. Kagami lifted her foot and kicked Mari in the gut. Marinette grunted as she fell and hit her head. I must've yelled because Kagami looked at me.

"I'll deal with you, but leave me with my Marinette," Kagami yelled.

She walked toward Marinette who sat up and rubbed her head.

"Marinette, you're mine. Not his," Kagami said.

"I'm sorry, but she's mine. I was going to tell her I like her more than a friend after the fencing match," I told Kagami before I realized what I was saying.

Marinette turned to me with teary blue eyes. She looked me up and down. Her eyes widened with realization.

"A-Adrien?" Marinette cried as a tear rolled down her fragile cheek.

Kagami shrieked, "Forget about him already!"

There was a kick that collided with Marinette's side that made her fall sideways. She groaned.

Before I knew what I was doing, I screamed out cataclysm. I destroyed the locks, and got ready to fight. Before then though, I needed to get Marinette. I looked up at the grand chandelier, and a smile broke out on my face. I have always wanted to do this, I thought to myself. I hit the hanging light fixture with my baton, and watched as it fell on Kagami. As that happened, I grabbed Marinette. I ran with her tight to my chest.

"Thank you, Adrien."

For The Girl (Miraculous Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora