//Breaking New\\

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~Annie's POV~

Annie: ~I was helping in the diner while Johnny was at the recording studio. He decided to take Unique. It was getting late and they still weren't back.~

Johnny: We're home! *smiles, carrying Unique.*

Annie: Did you guys have fun?

Unique: The most fun I've ever had! Johnny showed me lots of cool things! *she hugged her mom*

Annie: Okay well its late we should be getting home. *smiles* bye everyone.

Unique: *goes says bye to everyone.*

Annie: ~Once we walked out Camera's flashed around us. I picked Unique up and she hid her face in the crook of my neck.~

Reporter: Johnny is it true that you only came back to get fame from your so called daughter?

Johnny: What no! *trying to walk through them, helping Annie.*

Reporter: Inside sources tell us that you're going to leave as soon as you get publicity for your new music!

Annie: ~Is he really gonna leave?~

Reporter: Johnny in an interview earlier this year you said you wouldn't have kids how does that change now?

Annie: ~We got into the car. Unique got in her seat as Johnny tried to drive out. It took us an hour to leave the parking lot, once we got home Unique fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.~

Johnny: Annie you didn't actually believe any of that did you?

Annie: ~I shook my head as I went into the kitchen.~

Johnny: Annie? You do believe it?

Annie: Johnny you can't really blame me can you?

Johnny: Why not? Those guys are liars, you know fake news! You even used to say it yourself!

Annie: Well now I don't okay? I mean you left!

Johnny: Hey we bothed agreed that once I left we would break up!

Annie: yeah but you ghosted me! Never onced talked to me! You could have atleast told me about it!

Johnny: That was 5 years ago!!

Annie: Yeah Johnny but it still hurts. ~He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.~ I'm scared of losing you..

Johnny: *chuckles.* I have the same fear, only I'll be losing two people I love.

Annie: I'm sorry.

Johnny: I did say I didn't want kids *smiles* But that changed when I met the sweetest little girl ever. I'm lucky I get to call her my daughter.

Annie: ~We heard a sniffle.~ Unique? ~She came out~

Johnny: Get over here short stack

Unique: I love you dad.

Annie: ~Johnny smiled up at me. I took a picture with a smile wanting to keep this memory forever.~

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